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SPI when CMM Level 5 is attained

Printed From: One Stop Testing
Category: Quality Assurance @ OneStopTesting
Forum Name: Software Process Improvement
Forum Discription: It includes lots of process oriented things like requirements engineering, risk management, software peer reviews, project management, metrics, and process assessment etc.
Printed Date: 12Mar2025 at 12:15pm

Topic: SPI when CMM Level 5 is attained
Posted By: Rohan_05
Subject: SPI when CMM Level 5 is attained
Date Posted: 07May2007 at 3:41am
At Level 5 the understanding is that you alreday have very good processes in place and are now looking to do some pre-emptive controlling to improve progress and quality.

3 KPA are targetted in L5, namely - Defect prevention, Technolog change management and process change management.

For DP - the understanding is that if you can prevent defects before they occur -based on your learings from the org (other projects) identify root causes for defects and weak points, your quality will be better. Here the focus is on catching bugs before they occur and removing them from your development practice / process.

In TCM and PCM is where the CMM urges your processes to be agile and establish frameworks for introducing new tecnhologies / process (for the same !?) in the org.
In our industry , we have to contstantly upgrade our skills as an organization both on new technologies and solutions as well as processes.

so if you are able to establish / introduce and streamline introduciton of new technoloies and processes in the org - you are at L5. Here the factor to be addressed is that changes could cause stress and hence while you have a mature process, look proactively at reducing stress in teh org and process.

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