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Require freeware network testing tools

Printed From: One Stop Testing
Category: Types Of Software Testing @ OneStopTesting
Forum Name: Network & Distributed Systems Testing @ OneStopTesting
Forum Discription: Discuss All that is need to be known about Network & Distributed Systems Testing and its Tools.
Printed Date: 23Mar2025 at 4:26pm

Topic: Require freeware network testing tools
Posted By: Aniloo7
Subject: Require freeware network testing tools
Date Posted: 24Apr2007 at 5:52am
I require freeware network testing tools other than nmap, ethereal and nessus. To be more specific I need to test if the following are disabled,

1. ICMP - Receiving/Sending Redirect Errors, Address Mask Broadcast, Timestamp Request Broadcast
2. IP - IP forwarding, Strict Destination Multihoming, Forwarding Directed broadcasts, Forwarding Source Routed Packets
3. TCP - SYN Flood Attacks, Connection Exhaustion Attacks, IP Spoofing Attacks, TCP Reverce Source Routing.
4. TCP and UDP - Adding Priviledged Ports, Ephemeral Port Range.

I am new to networking, so it will be really helpful if you could tell me how to check if all the above works if enabled and how to test if they are disabled.

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