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Different type of Web Testing Tools

Printed From: One Stop Testing
Category: Types Of Software Testing @ OneStopTesting
Forum Name: Web Testing @ OneStopTesting
Forum Discription: Discuss All that is need to be known about Web Testing and its Tools.
Printed Date: 27Mar2025 at 7:09pm

Topic: Different type of Web Testing Tools
Posted By: tanushree
Subject: Different type of Web Testing Tools
Date Posted: 17Oct2007 at 1:21am

Multi Router Traffic Grapher - free tool utilizing SNMP to monitoring traffic loads on network links; generates reports as web pages with GIF graphics on inbound and outbound traffic. For UNIX, Windows.

Web usability testing and evaluation tool suite from U.S. Govt. NIST. Source code available. For UNIX, Windows.

Debugging tool from Aman Software for monitoring HTTP protocol sends and receives; handles HTTP 0.9/1.0/1.1; allows for entry of custom headers. Freeware. - - Hypertrak
Suite of software protocol analyzers from Triometric accurately calculates end-to-end download speeds for each transaction, not just samples; produces a range of configurable reports that breaks down info into network and server speeds, errors, comparison to SLA's, performance for each server, client, URL, time period, etc. Runs on Solaris or Linux. - - - Team Remote Debugger
Debugging tool from Spline Technologies allows tracing of any number of code units of any kind ( ASP, MTS, T-SQL, COM+, ActiveX Exe, DLL, COM, Thread, CFML ), written in any language ( ASP, VB, VC++, Delphi, T-SQL, VJ, CFML ) residing on multiple shared and dedicated servers at the same time, without ever attaching to process. Remote code can pass messages and dialogs directly to your local machine via Team Remote Debugger component, and developers can then debug their respective code independently of one another no matter if the code units reside on the same servers or on different servers or on any combination thereof. - - HTML2TXT
Conversion utility that converts HTML as rendered in MS Internet Explorer into ASCII text while accurately preserving the layout of the text. Included with software are examples of using the control from within Visual Basic, Visual C++, and HTML. - - Web Optimizer
Web page optimizing tool from Visionary Technologies intelligently compresses web pages to accelerate web sites without changing site's appearance. Removes unnecessary information in HTML, XML, XHTML, CSS, and Javascript and includes GIF and JPEG optimizer techniques. - - e Web Site Monitor
Tool allows user to monitor your server and send alerts, allows monitoring web sites for changes or misuse of your intellectual property in metadata or in the presented document; link validation. - - - Certify
Test automation management tool from WorkSoft, Inc. For managing and developing test cases and scripts, and generating test scripts. For automated testing of Web, client/server, and mainframe applications. Runs on Windows platforms. - - XML Conformance Test Suite
XML conformance test suites from W3C and NIST; contains over 2000 test files and an associated test report (also in XML). The test report contains background information on conformance testing for XML as well as test descriptions for each of the test files. This is a set of metrics for determining conformance to the listed W3C XML Recommendation. - - - - - - - Co-Advisor
Tool from The Measurement Factory for testing quality of protocol implementations. Co-Advisor can test for protocol compatibility, compliance, robustness, security, and other quality factors. Co-Advisor's current focus is on HTTP intermediaries such as firewalls, filters, caching proxies, and XML switches. Other info: runs on FreeBSD packages, Linux RPMs, Windows (on-demand); available as on-line service, binaries, or source code. -

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