Who is software tester?
Software tester is a developer! Software tester is in a special group of the software development team, works together with software designers and programmers.
Typically a software development team comprises three kinds of
workforces - designers, programmers and testers. Designers, including
UI designer, architect designer and component designer, design what the
software should be. Programmers, then, design and generate the codes to
make the software be what it should be. Testers, on the other hand,
validate software is correctly designed and implemented.
All the three workforces are software developers.
To be a qualified software developer, software testers should acquire following capabilities besides software testing skills –
1. Design software. Only those who know how to design software and what
good design is be able to check other’s designs. Knowing the design
well can also help software testers develop effective test plans and
test cases.
2. Programming. Only those who know programming well can pick out flaws in source codes and write solid test tools.