Unit Testing:
Unit testing consists of running the test functions, procedures and
methods that reside in the application under test. A “unit” may be
anything from a single function to an entire library. TestComplete
provides special features that let you access these test functions and
includes support for JUnit, NUnit, MSTest and DUnit tests.
Unit testing consists of testing the functions, procedures
or methods that a source module makes available to the rest of the application.
A “unit” may be anything from a single function to an entire library.
The essential point of unit testing is that only a small part of the application
is tested.
Usually, the easiest way to do this is to write a small application, called
a “driver” or “test harness”, that exercises these
exposed functions and reports the results. The driver or harness is normally
written with the same development tool as the unit under test. The test harness
must have the same access to the unit programming interface (for example, header
in C++, Interface part in Delphi) as all of the other units in the final application.
At a minimum, any automated testing tool should provide a way to --
Run the unit testing harness and feed input values to it.
Obtain results from the unit testing harness.
Compare the results against stored values.
TestComplete does all of these conveniently. The Stores function keeps most
forms of output as standards for later comparison, which you can accomplish
using TestComplete’s built-in methods.
The fact that TestComplete can access internal objects, methods and
properties of the application under test, gives you the ability to put the
test harness methods in TestComplete scripts, or in the tested application
itself. In order for TestComplete to access internal objects, methods
and properties of an application, this application must be compiled as an Open
Application. Also, there are some language-specific requirements that your
application's methods and properties must meet if you want to access them from
the TestComplete unit testing code.
TestComplete supports MSTest, JUnit, NUnit, DUnit and TCUnitTest unit test types.
TCUnitTest tests are unit tests that are performed
by TestComplete itself (to learn how TestComplete can access the testing
application’s internals, see above). Once you have specified the application
to be tested, you can visually configure which methods you want to call and
in which order to call them.

MSTest, JUnit, NUnit and DUnit tests are performed by the corresponding
unit testing tool (MSTest, JUnit, NUnit or DUnit), not by TestComplete. TestComplete
lets you visually customize which tests to run and with which parameters.
TestComplete projects let you coordinate all of your test types with one