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Complete Tutorial Mercury Quality Center Part2

Printed From: One Stop Testing
Category: Testing Tools @ OneStopTesting
Forum Name: TestDirector @ OneStopTesting
Forum Discription: TestDirector is a single, Web-based application for all essential aspects of test management — Requirements Management, Test Plan, Test Lab, and Defects Management.
Printed Date: 18Mar2025 at 4:26pm

Topic: Complete Tutorial Mercury Quality Center Part2
Posted By: Mithi25
Subject: Complete Tutorial Mercury Quality Center Part2
Date Posted: 15Nov2009 at 9:44pm
Quality Center - Test Plan Module

Web based application with the following features

  • Requirement management
  • Test plan
  • Test lab
  • Defects management
Test Plan Workflow:


Test Strategy:

  • Testing techniques (stress test, load test, etc).
  • Resources (hardware, personnel, etc)
  • Time taken
  • Defects classification
Test Subjects
  • Divide the different functions into subjects and build a test plan tree.
  • For example, flight reservation application will include the following test subjects: Flight Finder, Book Flight, Flight Confirmation, Flight Cost.
Planning Tests
  • Deciding which types of tests to create for each subject.
  • For example, Flight Finder: Airline preference, flight time preference, departing and arrival locations.
Creating Requirements Coverage
  • Link each test with a requirement or requirements.
  • For example, In a flight reservation application, the subject Registration cover the requirement topic Customer Personal Information.
Designing Test Steps
  • Design the tests in your test plan tree
  • Create Test steps describing the operation to perform and the expected results.
  • Decide whether to perform manual or automated tests.
Automating tests
  • Unattended test at high speed.
  • Reusable and repeatable.
  • Example, the login in a flight reservation application can be automated.
Analyzing Your Test Plan

Review the test plan to determine how well it meets the goals defined at the beginning of the test process.

Test Plan Module


Creating a Test Plan:

  • Click the New folder button, or choose Planning > Folder. The new folder dialog appears.
  • Type a name for the folder.
  • Type description and add attachments.
  • You can create additional folders under this folder.
Adding Tests to a Test Plan Tree:
  • Choose a subject folder
  • Click the New Test Button. The Create New Test dialog opens
  • Select a Test Type. (Manual,WR-Automated, LR-Scenario, etc)
  • Enter the details for the test.
  • Click the Attachments to add attachments.
  • Click Req Coverage to define requirement coverage.

Associating Defects with a Test:

  • Tests can be associated with specific defects.
  • Advantage: Based on the status of the defect, you can make a decision on running the tests.
Select a test and choose View > Associated defects


Click the Associate Button. If you know the defect ID, type the defect ID or Click the select button and choose the defect.


Building Tests:

  • Define Test Steps: Includes detail step by step instruction to carry the test, the input to enter and the desired output.
  • Test steps can be created for manual or automated tests.
Designing Steps Tab



Creating a Manual Test with Paramaters:

You can add parameters to a test for flexibility.
For example: The Login_Template can have two parameters as <<<user name>>> and <<<password>>>
Use the                to add a parameter, which will just add the parameter as <<<parameter>>>

Creating Automated Tests:

  • In the test plan tree, choose the manual test you want to automate.
  • Click the Design Steps tab and click the Generate script tab.
  • Choose an automated test type, view the generated test by clicking Test Script Tab.
Continue in part 3....

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