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A Practical Roadmap to HP - QTP Certification

Printed From: One Stop Testing
Category: Testing Tools @ OneStopTesting
Forum Name: QuickTest Pro @ OneStopTesting
Forum Discription: QuickTest Pro is a fresh approach to automated software and application testing that addresses testing needs of both business analysts and Quality Assurance professionals.
Printed Date: 12Mar2025 at 9:36pm

Topic: A Practical Roadmap to HP - QTP Certification
Posted By: yogindernath
Subject: A Practical Roadmap to HP - QTP Certification
Date Posted: 20Jun2009 at 2:57am

Following Two questions come to the mind of every person in the domain of software testing & quality assurance & desirous of pursuing QTP Certification.

Q. 1: Where can I quickly get the desired information about QTP certification?

Well !!!! The answer to this question lies here.

1) The first place is certainly the official websites related to QTP certifications like:

HP Website: -


2) Read the article “Thirteen Top Questions about QTP Certifications” & gear up

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Q. 2: How should I prepare myself for QTP Certification Exam?

Study & prepare from the following exhaustive & especially designed study material

a) Study Material for HP – QuickTest Professional v9.2

b) Study Material for HP – Quality Center v9

Read the complete article at: -

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