Using the RapidTest Script Wizard
you choose the Global GUI Map File mode, the RapidTest Script wizard is
usually the easiest and quickest way to start the testing process. The
RapidTest Script wizard systematically opens the windows in your
application and learns the description of every GUI object. The wizard
stores this information in a GUI map file. To observe WinRunner’s
learning process, use the RapidTest Script wizard on the Flight
Reservation application. 1 Log in to the Flight Reservation application. If
the Login window is open, type your name in the Agent Name field, and
mercury in the Password field and click OK. The name you type must be
at least four characters long. If the Login window is not already
open on your desktop, choose Programs > WinRunner > Sample
Applications > Flight 1A on the Start menu and then log in, as
described in the previous paragraph. 2 Start WinRunner. If WinRunner is not already open, choose Programs > WinRunner > WinRunner on the Start menu. 3 Open a new test. If the Welcome window is open, click the New Test button. Otherwise, choose File > New. A new test window opens in WinRunner. 4 Start the RapidTest Script wizard. Choose Create > RapidTest Script Wizard. Click Next in the wizard’s Welcome screen to advance to the next screen.
 5 Point to the application you want to test. Click
the button and then click anywhere in the Flight Reservation
application. The application’s window name appears in the wizard’s
Window Name box. Click Next. 6 Make sure that all the check boxes are cleared. For
the purposes of this exercise, confirm that all the check boxes are
cleared. You will use the wizard only to learn the GUI of the Flight
Reservation application. Click Next. 7 Accept the default navigation controls. Navigation
controls tell WinRunner which GUI objects are used to open windows. The
Flight Reservation application uses the default navigation controls
(... and > >) so you do not need to define additional controls.
Click Next. 8 Set the learning flow to "Express." The
learning flow determines how WinRunner walks through your application.
Two modes are available: Express and Comprehensive. Comprehensive mode
lets you customize how the wizard learns GUI object descriptions.
First-time WinRunner users should use Express mode. Click the Learn
button. The wizard begins walking through the application, pulling down
menus, opening windows, and learning object descriptions. This process
takes a few minutes. If a pop-up message notifies you that an interface
element is disabled, click the Continue button in the message box. If
the wizard cannot close a window, it will ask you to show it how to
close the window. Follow the directions on the screen. 9 Accept "No" in the Start Application screen. You
can choose to have WinRunner automatically open the Flight Reservation
application each time you start WinRunner. Accept the default "No."
Click Next. 10 Save the GUI information and a startup script. The
wizard saves the GUI information in a GUI map file. The wizard also
creates a startup script. This script runs automatically each time you
start WinRunner. It contains a command which loads the GUI map file so
that WinRunner will be ready to test your application. Accept the
default paths and file names or define different ones. Make sure that
you have write permission for the selected folders. Click Next. 11 Click OK in the Congratulations screen. The information WinRunner learned about the application is stored in a GUI map file.