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test effort Estimations industry standards

Printed From: One Stop Testing
Category: Quality Assurance @ OneStopTesting
Forum Name: Estimation and Planning
Forum Discription: Estimation and Planning are two of the most integral components of product development process.Proper planning prevents a project deviate from its desired goals.
Printed Date: 18Mar2025 at 2:01pm

Topic: test effort Estimations industry standards
Posted By: Anuja
Subject: test effort Estimations industry standards
Date Posted: 27Apr2007 at 1:52am
Going through the forums i understand a bit of estimations now ,but still i do have some queries
1.When people say for full SDLC project the testing effort is about 30-35% percent of development effort .So in that 30 %of time is all testing included i.e Unit ,intergration ,system,performance and acceptance )
2.How to estimate time for Knowledge transfer/transition or requirement familiarization .(Is this time is included in 30%)
3.Lastly i want to know the industry standards for the %time required for unit testing ,integration testing ,functional testing ,performance testing within that 30% time
4. Also the % time required for the activites like test case writing,execution,rework and review

Posted By: Megha
Date Posted: 27Apr2007 at 5:32am
Going through the forums i understand a bit of estimations now ,but still i do have some


    1.When people say for full SDLC project the testing effort is about 30-35% percent of

development effort .So in that 30 %of time is all testing included i.e Unit ,intergration

,system,performance and acceptance )

When I provide estimates for testing it is usually QA and UAT, and these are provided

separately. I do not use the 30% but if I did it would be for those 2 items. Unit and

integration testing, IMO, are part of the developer estimates.


    2.How to estimate time for Knowledge transfer/transition or requirement familiarization

.(Is this time is included in 30%)

My estimates allow time for familiarization with the requirements.

3.Lastly i want to know the industry standards for the %time required for unit testing

,integration testing ,functional testing ,performance testing within that 30% time
4. Also the % time required for the activites like test case writing,execution,rework and


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