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Difference between monkey testing & smoke testing

Printed From: One Stop Testing
Category: Types Of Software Testing @ OneStopTesting
Forum Name: Functional Testing @ OneStopTesting
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Printed Date: 15Mar2025 at 2:33am

Topic: Difference between monkey testing & smoke testing
Posted By: merry
Subject: Difference between monkey testing & smoke testing
Date Posted: 13Feb2007 at 3:28pm

Difference between monkey testing and smoke testing

 Difference number 1: Monkey testing is random testing, and smoke testing is a nonrandom testing. Smoke testing is nonrandom testing that deliberately exercises the entire system from end to end, with the the goal of exposing any major problems.

Difference number 2: Monkey testing is performed by automated testing tools, while smoke testing is usually performed manually.

Difference number 3: Monkey testing is performed by "monkeys", while smoke testing is performed by skilled testers.

Difference number 4: "Smart monkeys" are valuable for load and stress testing, but not very valuable for smoke testing, because they are too expensive for smoke testing.

Difference number 5: "Dumb monkeys" are inexpensive to develop, are able to do some basic testing, but, if we used them for smoke testing, they would find few bugs during smoke testing.

Difference number 6: Monkey testing is not a thorough testing, but smoke testing is thorough enough that, if the build passes, one can assume that the program is stable enough to be tested more thoroughly.

Difference number 7: Monkey testing either does not evolve, or evolves very slowly. Smoke testing, on the other hand, evolves as the system evolves from something simple to something more thorough.

Difference number 8: Monkey testing takes "six monkeys" and a "million years" to run. Smoke testing, on the other hand, takes much less time to run, i.e. from a few seconds to a couple of hours.

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