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Manual Testing

Printed From: One Stop Testing
Category: Types Of Software Testing @ OneStopTesting
Forum Name: Manual Testing @ OneStopTesting
Forum Discription: Discuss All that is need to be known about Manual Software Testing and its Tools.
Printed Date: 23Mar2025 at 11:10pm

Topic: Manual Testing
Posted By: Abhishek
Subject: Manual Testing
Date Posted: 23Feb2007 at 2:22pm
Whether you need some extra help to meet a challenging deadline, or a specialized skill to develop and run new tests, ProtoTest can help. Our consultants are career testers with the training and experience to solve testing problems quickly and efficiently. And just because the testing is manual doesn't mean it's not technical. Our testers have up-to-date skills in operating systems, SQL and a wide variety of applications.

For consistency and completeness, we use ProtoTest Software Quality Process (PSQP) methods, templates and checklists (unless you direct otherwise). You have the assurance of knowing that your software is being tested thoroughly and expertly.

We have extensive experience testing Web-based applications, client/server applications, Windows applications and UNIX applications. Our consultants develop test plans, write test cases and scripts, execute tests, document defects and report testing status. You know at every step along the way which tests have passed, which have failed and which remain to be run.

We perform functional testing, regression testing, install/de-install testing, platform/compatibility testing, white-box testing and many other test types. Software users have diverse quality expectations, and you can count on Proto Test to help you meet and exceed them.

We also help clients select and implement new tools, including those used for test management, configuration management and defect tracking.

Work can be performed at your site or remotely.

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