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WinRunner Questions and Answers Part-2

Printed From: One Stop Testing
Category: Testing Tools @ OneStopTesting
Forum Name: WinRunner @ OneStopTesting
Forum Discription: WinRunner is an automated functional GUI testing tool that allows a user to record and play back UI interactions as test scripts using a proprietary Test Script Language (TSL).
Printed Date: 04Mar2025 at 4:30am

Topic: WinRunner Questions and Answers Part-2
Posted By: Mithi25
Subject: WinRunner Questions and Answers Part-2
Date Posted: 07Aug2009 at 11:34pm
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Winrunner Question 11 : How you integrated your automated scripts from TestDirect

When you work with WinRunner, you can choose to save your tests directly to your TestDirector database or while creating a test case in the TestDirector we can specify whether the script in automated or manual. And if it is automated script then TestDirector will build a skeleton for the script that can be later modified into one which could be used to test the AU

Winrunner Question 12 : What is the purpose of loading WinRunner Add-Ins?

Add-Ins are used in WinRunner to load functions specific to the particular add-in to the memory. While creating a script only those functions in the add-in selected will be listed in the function generator and while executing the script only those functions in the loaded add-in will be executed else WinRunner will give an error message saying it does not recognize the function.

Winrunner Question 13 : What are the reasons that WinRunner fails to identify an object on the GUI?

What are the reasons that WinRunner fails to identify an object on the GUI?
WinRunner fails to identify an object in a GUI due to various reasons.
  • The object is not a standard windows object.
  • If the browser used is not compatible with the WinRunner version, GUI Map Editor will not be able to learn any of the objects displayed in the browser window.

Winrunner Question 14 : What do you mean by the logical name of the object?

An object’s logical name is determined by its class. In most cases, the logical name is the label that appears on an object.

Winrunner Question 15 : If the object does not have a name then what will be the logical name?

If the object does not have a name then the logical name could be the attached text.


Winrunner Question 16 : What is the different between GUI map and GUI map files?

1) The GUI map is actually the sum of one or more GUI map files. There are two modes for organizing GUI map files.
  • Global GUI Map file: a single GUI Map file for the entire application
  • GUI Map File per Test: WinRunner automatically creates a GUI Map file for each test created.

2) GUI Map file is a file which contains the windows and the objects learned by the WinRunner with its logical name and their physical description.

Winrunner Question 17 : How do you view the contents of the GUI map?

GUI Map editor displays the content of a GUI Map. We can invoke GUI Map Editor from the Tools Menu in WinRunner. The GUI Map Editor displays the various GUI Map files created and the windows and objects learned in to them with their logical name and physical description.   

Winrunner Question 18 : When you create GUI map do you record all the objects of specific objects?

If we are learning a window then WinRunner automatically learns all the objects in the window else we will we identifying those object, which are to be learned in a window, since we will be working with only those objects while creating scripts.

Winrunner Question 19 : What is the purpose of set_window command?

Set_Window command sets the focus to the specified window. We use this command to set the focus to the required window before executing tests on a particular window.

Syntax: set_window(, time);
The logical name is the logical name of the window and time is the time the execution has to wait till it gets the given window into focus.

Winrunner Question 20 : How do you load GUI map? What is the disadvantage of loading the GUI maps through start up scripts?

How do you load GUI map?
We can load a GUI Map by using the GUI_load command.

Syntax: GUI_load(<file_name>);

What is the disadvantage of loading the GUI maps through start up scripts?
  • If we are using a single GUI Map file for the entire AUT then the memory used by the GUI Map may be much high.
  • If there is any change in the object being learned then WinRunner will not be able to recognize the object, as it is not in the GUI Map file loaded in the memory. So we will have to learn the object again and update the GUI File and reload it.



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