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example of priority and severity

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Topic: example of priority and severity
Posted By: vinit
Subject: example of priority and severity
Date Posted: 26Nov2009 at 6:27am
plz give the example of
a) high priority and low severity
b) high severity and low priority

Posted By: puneet_relhan86
Date Posted: 01Dec2009 at 1:41am
High Priority And Low Severity---- If any Web site say Yahoo on homepage if the logo of site Yahoo spell s Yho (wrong)----Then Priority is high but severity is low.

High Severity And Low Priority----If there is an application if that application crashes after mulple use of any functionality (exa--save Button use 200 times then that application will crash)

Means High Severity because application chrashed but Low Priority because no need to debug right now you can debug it after some days.

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