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Test Method and Test Technique

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Category: Types Of Software Testing @ OneStopTesting
Forum Name: Functional Testing @ OneStopTesting
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Topic: Test Method and Test Technique
Posted By: dogra.gourav
Subject: Test Method and Test Technique
Date Posted: 03Apr2008 at 10:38pm
hi everybody,
please tell me  What are Test Methods ?
                        What are Test Techniques ?
                        and what is difference between Test Methods and Test Techniques ?
thanks in advance.

Gourav Dogra

Posted By: sandeep.testing
Date Posted: 12Sep2008 at 12:06am

Test methedology means the way of developing test, where as test techniques means the way of executing and preparing test cases.

Posted By: tossy
Date Posted: 12Sep2008 at 2:12am

As per my experience Test Techniques are

1) Boundary Value Analysis

    In this method tester has to concentrate more on the boundaries of the input values.

   Ex: Consider any edit field which can accept values b/w 18-35.

         According to BVA method the valid inputs are:

         17,18,19,34,35 & 36 .

         If the range is 'a' to 'b'.

        Then valid i/ps are:  a-1,a,a+1,b-1,b,&b+1.

2) Equivalence pertitioning

    In this method given i/p is divided into number of equivalence classes.

    From each equivalence class one i/p value is chosed for testing.

    Ex.Consider the above ex. edit field which accepts i/p value b/w 18-35.

    From the given range of i/p value we can form  3 equivalence classes.

    i) Less than 18. 

   ii) Between 18-35.

  iii) Greater than 35.

    Take any value from three equivalence classes and test them.

    Ex.   6, 25,100

3) Error guessing.

    This depends on the tester experience, domain knowledge, & common sense.

    Ex:For the same above ex.

        i)23+,-34,5*,00,Blank,5o(Not zero,O),etc.


Posted By: cprasenjit26
Date Posted: 15May2009 at 5:22am
Test techniques are the various factors based on which we do the testing. - Software testing tutorial

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