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Load testing and Stress Testing

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Topic: Load testing and Stress Testing
Posted By: dkarthikeyan
Subject: Load testing and Stress Testing
Date Posted: 08Jul2008 at 2:18am

Load testing

Load testing is a much used industry term for the effort of performance testing. Here load means the number of users or the traffic for the system. Load testing is defined as the testing to determine whether the system is capable of handling anticipated number of users or not.

In Load Testing, the virtual users are simulated to exhibit the real user behavior as much as possible. Even the user think time such as how users will take time to think before inputting data will also be emulated. It is carried out to justify whether the system is performing well for the specified limit of load.

For example, Let us say an online-shopping application is anticipating 1000 concurrent user hits at peak period. In addition, the peak period is expected to stay for 12 hrs. Then the system is load tested with 1000 virtual users for 12 hrs. These kinds of tests are carried out in levels: first 1 user, 50 users, and 100 users, 250 users, 500 users and so on till the anticipated limit are reached. The testing effort is closed exactly for 1000 concurrent users.

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Posted By: getzephyr
Date Posted: 12Jul2008 at 2:11am

Load testing is the process of subjecting a computer, peripheral, server, network or application to a work level approaching the limits of its specifications. Load testing can be done under controlled lab conditions to compare the capabilities of different systems or to accurately measure the capabilities of a single system.

In software testing, stress testing often refers to tests that put a greater emphasis on robustness, availability, and error handling under a heavy load, rather than on what would be considered correct behavior under normal circumstances.


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