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Project Initiation and Project closure.

Printed From: One Stop Testing
Category: Quality Assurance @ OneStopTesting
Forum Name: Estimation and Planning
Forum Discription: Estimation and Planning are two of the most integral components of product development process.Proper planning prevents a project deviate from its desired goals.
Printed Date: 11Mar2025 at 11:30am

Topic: Project Initiation and Project closure.
Posted By: Arati
Subject: Project Initiation and Project closure.
Date Posted: 27Apr2007 at 2:05am
Hello Friends,
I need to prepare audit check points for Project Initiation and Project closure documents. Can any one give a brief idea about the factors to be considered in reviewing the Project Initiation and Project closure Documents.

For Example:
For Functional Spec Doc, i have considered the below factors:

1. Does it cover appropriate Program Functionality?
2. Does the appropriate form, format, data types and units for input and outputs are used?
3. Does they Handle exception handling, errors and deviations?
4. Does the Hardware/Software environment required is appropriate?

Kindly suggest me or brief me abt the factors to be considered for the above mentioned Documents.

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