How to do protocol testing?
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Printed Date: 06Mar2025 at 6:42pm
Topic: How to do protocol testing?
Posted By: suma
Subject: How to do protocol testing?
Date Posted: 02Apr2007 at 10:03pm
How to do Protocol Testing?
To test an impelementation of a protocol is maily a kind of
verification on the IO, that is, give a set of input to the system and
verify the output is correct according to the specification.
So the protocol testing is mainly based on the Black-Box approach.
Therefore teh nature of the protocol specification has a strong
influence on protocol testing. In fact, the methods for the development
of test cases are base on finite state machine (FSM) since most
communication protocols often adopt FSM in their specifications.
Understanding the protocol itself is the key to do protocol testing. On
one side, to design effective test cases for the implementation of the
procotol, you need know what kind of data are good for input. And to
execute a test case of protocol testing, you also need to know what's
the expected output from the implementation. All these require you can
fully understand the specifications of the protocol.