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Developing Tests in Robot

Printed From: One Stop Testing
Category: Testing Tools @ OneStopTesting
Forum Name: Rational Robot @ OneStopTesting
Forum Discription: General-purpose test automation tool for QA teams who want to perform functional testing of client/server applications.
Printed Date: 13Mar2025 at 9:03pm

Topic: Developing Tests in Robot
Posted By: Mithi25
Subject: Developing Tests in Robot
Date Posted: 18Oct2009 at 11:05pm

Developing Tests in Robot

You use Robot to develop two kinds of scripts: GUI scripts for functional testing and sessions for performance testing.

Use Robot to:

  • Perform full functional testing. Record and play back scripts that navigate through your application and test the state of objects through verification points.

  • Perform full performance testing. Use Robot and TestManager together to record and play back sessions that help you determine whether a multi-client system is performing within user-defined standards under varying loads.
  • Create and edit scripts using the SQABasic and VU scripting environments. The Robot editor provides color-coded commands with keyword Help for powerful integrated programming during script development. (VU scripting is used with sessions in performance testing.)

  • Test applications developed with IDEs such as Java,HTML - - , Visual Basic, Oracle Forms,Delphi - - and PowerBuilder. You can test objects even if they are not visible in the application's interface.

  • Collect diagnostic information about an application during script playback. Robot is integrated with Rational Purify â , Rational Quantify ä , and Rational PureCoverage ä . You can play back scripts under a dianostic tool"> and see the results in the log.

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