Runtime issue
Printed From: One Stop Testing
Category: Testing Tools @ OneStopTesting
Forum Name: LoadRunner @ OneStopTesting
Forum Discription: LoadRunner is a performance and load testing product by HP / Mercury Interactive for examining system behavior and performance, while generating actual load.
Printed Date: 19Mar2025 at 2:13pm
Topic: Runtime issue
Posted By: Ansha
Subject: Runtime issue
Date Posted: 25Apr2007 at 9:55pm
1. What version of LoadRunner (LR) or PerformanceCenter (PC) are you using? 8.1 (substitute your answer here) 2. What is the protocol you are recording? Web(HTTP/HTML) 3. If HTML - are you using HTML-Advanced with URLs or, HTML-based 4. URL mode with Concurrent groups, or NA 5. URL mode without Concurrent groups? NA 6. Which LoadRunner/PerformanceCenter feature or service packs are you using? LR 8.1 7.
What kind of LoadRunner license do you have - Subscription, Perpetual,
Virtual User days, or Evaluation? (choose the one that fits your
license model - (substitute your answer here)) I dont have the detail but it is not evaluation as we have a license and it resides on the server 8. If subscription, is subscription current or expired? license is current 9. What platform(s) and Operating Systems? Include version and service packs. Win2K3 10. If you have filed a service request with Mercury, what have they told you at this point with respect to your issue? I havent made any request with support yet as I am trying to debug it at my end.
am playing back a script in VuGen with 2 iterations. The purpose of the
script is to perform submit action at two instances. When I play back
the script, script does make two submit requests on the first iteration
but when it does the second iteration, script isnt making the submit
requests. I have tried various options (run-time settings:Browswer
Emulation-unchecked clear cache checkboxes). within the script I have
login in vuser_init all the actions on the webpage under Action and
then logout on vuser_end. If I put login and logout actions under
Action then every iteration the user logs in and submits data but I
want to simulate a scenario where user logs in does two iterations and
then log out. I am using LR8.1/IE6.0 and Weblogic server. Initially
came across user not authenticated error on server log on second
iteration so had the run-time option for clearing cache disabled and
the server isnt throwing user not authenticated but the script isnt
performing the submit requests. Any ideas or suggestions would really
help me if someone has come across this problem at some point. Thanks
in advance..
Posted By: asish
Date Posted: 26Apr2007 at 1:39am
Are you adding any perpetual information to your user session (e.g. adding a flight to a
reservation system, or a quote to a stock ticker system)?
--Yes I am trying to submit the same test data on both iterations. I have only one record on
my parameter file and have selected 'sequential'
Are you changing the state of any data which is only reset upon login?
--I am not sure about the question, there are no data updates just filling up a form and
filters and then submitting data that carries me over to a new page. during recording after
the page opened I closed it and then recorded my logout session. I do hit a reset button
after data submission that brings the app almost to the state it was after login.
Have you checked the responses coming back from the server? Your answer almost certainly
lies there.
--Yes I have done both Advanced trace and data returned by the server options. I do not see
any errors in the entire log with these options. The one difference I saw was in the value
for CTSESSION for 'Cookie' on each iteration but ACTSESSION value remained the same. Could
this be triggering the problem??
With just the Extended log checked, I do see the following warning "vuser_init.c(32):
Warning -26499: Internal Error: ptObjMgr is NULL in
xfvLrwDomUtilNotifyObjMgr(meNotificationType=7, mpvNotificationSubject=00000000,
mpvNotificationObject=0012E01C) [MsgId: MWAR-26499]" and I am ignoring this error as this is
before login and login is a success. Come to think of it could this be one of the issues