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Mailing lists and bug reports

Printed From: One Stop Testing
Category: Software Testing @ OneStopTesting
Forum Name: Bug Report @ OneStopTesting
Forum Discription: After Creating the Test Plan, Writing the Test Cases and using them, Finally We need to generate those Bug Reports which Proves that Testers are Good enough & most importantly Indispensable.
Printed Date: 20Mar2025 at 8:59am

Topic: Mailing lists and bug reports
Posted By: Harsha
Subject: Mailing lists and bug reports
Date Posted: 23Feb2007 at 10:55am

Filing a bug report or feature request

If you encounter a bug, misfeature, or missing feature in GTK+, please file a bug report on - . We'd also appreciate reports of incomplete or misleading information in the GTK+ documentation; file those against the "docs" component of the "gtk+" product in Bugzilla.

Don't hesitate to file a bug report, even if you think we may know about it already, or aren't sure of the details. Just give us as much information as you have, and if it's already fixed or has already been discussed, we'll add a note to that effect in the report.

The bug tracker should definitely be used for feature requests, it's not only for bugs. We track all GTK+ development in Bugzilla, so it's the way to be sure the GTK+ developers won't forget about an issue.

Mailing lists

There are several mailing lists dedicated to GTK+ and related libraries. Discussion of GLib, Pango, and ATK in addition to GTK+ proper is welcome on these lists. You can subscribe or view the archives of these lists on - . If you aren't subscribed to the list, any message you post to the list will be held for manual moderation, which might take some days to happen.

mailto:[email protected] - [email protected]

gtk-list covers general GTK+ topics; questions about using GTK+ in programs, GTK+ from a user standpoint, announcements of GTK+-related projects such as themes or GTK+ modules would all be on-topic. The bulk of the traffic consists of GTK+ programming questions.

mailto:[email protected] - [email protected]

gtk-app-devel-list covers writing applications in GTK+. It's narrower in scope than gtk-list, but the two lists overlap quite a bit. gtk-app-devel-list is a good place to ask questions about GTK+ programming.

mailto:[email protected] - [email protected]

gtk-devel-list is for discussion of work on GTK+ itself, it is not for asking questions about how to use GTK+ in applications. gtk-devel-list is appropriate for discussion of patches, bugs, proposed features, and so on.

mailto:[email protected] - [email protected]

gtk-i18n-list is for discussion of internationalization in GTK+; Pango is the main focus of the list. Questions about the details of using Pango, and discussion of proposed Pango patches or features, are all on topic.

mailto:[email protected] - [email protected]

gtk-doc-list is for discussion of the gtk-doc documentation system (used to document GTK+), and for work on the GTK+ documentation.

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