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Testing Certification ISTQB

Printed From: One Stop Testing
Category: Queries @ OneStopTesting
Forum Name: Queries @ OneStopTesting
Forum Discription: One Place for all the queries, doubts related to testing. Get all your doubts answered by our Esteemed Panel of Experts.
Printed Date: 27Mar2025 at 10:46pm

Topic: Testing Certification ISTQB
Posted By: remyafen
Subject: Testing Certification ISTQB
Date Posted: 04Jul2008 at 2:23am
I have about two years testing experience in the BFSI sector. I was thinking of trying for a new job and before that I wanted to do a certification like ISTQB. Is this certification recognized worldwide as I was thinking of trying for a testing job outside India. And I would also like to get information as to which all books would be good to prepare for this certification and if there are any training centres in India preferably Kerala.
I'd also wanted some training on testing tools like Winrunner, Loadrunner, Test Director. So could you please also tell me as to where this would be possible.

Posted By: luckii
Date Posted: 05Aug2008 at 6:01pm
yes ISTQB is internationally considered that's the reason its known as Iternational Software testing Qualification Board.

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