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Sample bug report

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Category: Types Of Software Testing @ OneStopTesting
Forum Name: Manual Testing @ OneStopTesting
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Printed Date: 15Mar2025 at 12:33am

Topic: Sample bug report
Posted By: Mithi25
Subject: Sample bug report
Date Posted: 12Oct2009 at 11:17pm

Below sample bug/defect report will give you exact idea of how to report a bug in bug tracking tool.

Here is the example scenario that caused a bug:

Lets assume in your application under test you want to create a new user with user information, for that you need to logon into the application and navigate to USERS menu > New User, then enter all the details in the ‘User form’ like, First Name, Last Name, Age, Address, Phone etc. Once you enter all these information, you need to click on ‘SAVE’ button in order to save the user. Now you can see a success message saying, “New User has been created successfully”.

But when you entered into your application by logging in and navigated to USERS menu > New user, entered all the required information to create new user and clicked on SAVE button. BANG! The application crashed and you got one error page on screen. (Capture this error message window and save as a Microsoft paint file)

Now this is the bug scenario and you would like to report this as a BUG in your bug-tracking tool.

How will you report this bug effectively?

Here is the sample bug report for above mentioned example:
(Note that some ‘bug report’ fields might differ depending on your bug tracking system)


Bug Name: Application crash on clicking the SAVE button while creating a new user.
Bug ID: (It will be automatically created by the BUG Tracking tool once you save this bug)
Area Path: USERS menu > New Users
Build Number: Version Number 5.0.1
Severity: HIGH (High/Medium/Low) or 1
Priority: HIGH (High/Medium/Low) or 1
Assigned to: Developer-X
Reported By: Your Name
Reported On: Date
Reason: Defect
Status: New/Open/Active (Depends on the Tool you are using)
Environment: Windows 2003/SQL Server 2005

Application crash on clicking the SAVE button while creating a new
user, hence unable to create a new user in the application.

Steps To Reproduce:
1) Logon into the application
2) Navigate to the Users Menu > New User
3) Filled all the user information fields
4) Clicked on ‘Save’ button
5) Seen an error page “ORA1090 Exception: Insert values Error…”
6) See the attached logs for more information (Attach more logs related to bug..IF any)
7) And also see the attached screenshot of the error page.

Expected result: On clicking SAVE button, should be prompted to a success message “New User has been created successfully”.

(Attach ‘application crash’ screen shot.. IF any)

Save the defect/bug in the BUG TRACKING TOOL.  You will get a bug id, which you can use for further bug reference.

Default ‘New bug’ mail will go to respective developer and the default module owner (Team leader or manager) for further action.

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