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Test Cases

Printed From: One Stop Testing
Category: Software Testing @ OneStopTesting
Forum Name: Test Cases @ OneStopTesting
Forum Discription: You must be well versed in writting Good Test Cases as they only will decide whether you can catch most of bugs or not.
Printed Date: 04Mar2025 at 4:32pm

Topic: Test Cases
Posted By: tanushree
Subject: Test Cases
Date Posted: 29Oct2007 at 4:01am

Test Cases

  1. To test the performance of an API
    To test the performance of com.adventnet.testtools.common.util.FileUtil
    To get the API Instance using the following properties.
                APIName =com.adventnet.testtools.common.util.FileUtil
                Instance creation=Static

  2. To test the resource usage of a process 
    To get the CPU and memory usage of the defined process

  3. To measure the latency period of APIs.
    To measure the latency period of addUser() and addAction().


Application Control Parameters




Test Case ID

Test Case Description

Test Case Procedure

Expected Behavior Severity


Testing the FileUtil api performance. 

  1. Specify the API com.adventnet.testtools.common.util.FileUtil
  2. Specify the No. of  users &  No. of samples.
  3. Select the API Instance Type as Static.
  4. Select any Methods and Click Configure Arguments button.
  5. Specify the arguments if needed.
  6. Select the agent.
  7. Click Finish.

Test Case should execute and finally it generates the table and graph reports.



To measure the latency period of AddUserPanel API and UserAdminClientAPI.

  1. Load the classses com.adventnet.qengine.project.AddUserPanel and com.adventnet.testtools.sample.UserAdminClientAPI

  2. Select the method addAction() from com.adventnet.qengine.project.AddUserPanel.

  3. Select the addUser() from com.adventnet.testtools.sample.UserAdminClientAPI.

  4. Specify the transaction script.

  5. Enter the SampleCount and SampleInterval.

  6. Select the agent.

  7. Click Finish.

Test Case should execute and finally it generates the table and graph reports.




To get the resource usage details of process com.adventnet.qengine.performance


  1. Specify the process name com.adventnet.qengine.performance
  2. Specify the No. of  users and  No. of samples.
  3. Select the Interval.
  4. Select the agent.
  5. Click Finish.


Test Case should execute and finally it generates the table and graph reports.



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