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Quality Center Interview Questions

Printed From: One Stop Testing
Category: Testing Tools @ OneStopTesting
Forum Name: TestDirector @ OneStopTesting
Forum Discription: TestDirector is a single, Web-based application for all essential aspects of test management — Requirements Management, Test Plan, Test Lab, and Defects Management.
Printed Date: 13Mar2025 at 6:52am

Topic: Quality Center Interview Questions
Posted By: Mithi25
Subject: Quality Center Interview Questions
Date Posted: 18Nov2009 at 10:31pm

1. Why is Quality Center used for? Or What are the benefits and features of Quality Center ?

Quality Center is a comprehensive test management tool. It is a web-based tool and supports high level of communication and association among various stakeholders (Business Analyst, Developers , Testers etc. ) , driving a more effective and efficient global application-testing process. Automation Tools like QTP & WinRunner can be integrated with Quality Center. One can also create reports and graphs for Analysis and Tracking for Test processes.

2. What is the difference between TestDirector and Quality Center?

Quality Center is upgraded version of Test Director built by same vendor Mercury (Now HP).Test Director Version 8.2 onwards is know as Quality Center. Quality Center is has enhanced Security/Test management /Defect management features when compared to Test Director.


3. What is the difference between Quality Center and Bugzilla?

Quality Center is a test management tool which can also manage Defects apart from other features.

BugZilla is Defect Management tool only.

4. What is Test Lab?

In order to execute a Test Case (Developed in the Test Plan Module) either manual or automated it needs to imported into Test Lab Module. In sum, Test Cases are created in Test Plan Module while they are executed in Test Lab Module.

5. What is meant by Instance?

A Test Case imported from Test Plan Module to Test Lab module is called an Instance of that test case. It is possible to have multiple instances of the same Test Case in the Test Lab Module.

6. Is it possible to maintain test data in Quality Center?

Yes one can attach the test data to the corresponding test cases or create a separate folder in test plan to store them.

7. How to ensure that there is no duplication of bugs in Quality Center?

In the defect tracking window of QC there is a “find similar defect” icon. When this icon is clicked after writing the defect, if anybody else has entered the same defect then it points it out.

8. Is 'Not covered' and 'Not run' status the same?

Not Covered status means all those requirements for which the test cases are not written whereas Not Run status means all those requirements for which test cases are written but are not run.

9.How to import data from an excel sheet to Quality Center?

1. Install and Configure the Microsoft Excel Add-In.

2. Map and export the data from the Excel spreadsheet to Quality Center. Using Tools >Export to Quality Center

3. Rectify errors if Any.

10. Can we export the file from Quality Centre to excel sheet.

Yes. Requirements , Test Plan , Test Lab Details as well as Defects can be exported to excel.

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