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Printed From: One Stop Testing
Category: Testing Tools @ OneStopTesting
Forum Name: LoadRunner @ OneStopTesting
Forum Discription: LoadRunner is a performance and load testing product by HP / Mercury Interactive for examining system behavior and performance, while generating actual load.
Printed Date: 07Jul2024 at 7:20pm

Topic: Introduction-to-Loadrunner-Part-7
Posted By: Mithi25
Subject: Introduction-to-Loadrunner-Part-7
Date Posted: 02Nov2009 at 11:43pm

Objectives of this Article

  •   Understanding the results directory structure
  •   Introduction to the Analysis tool
  •   Creating Analysis graphs
  •   Interpreting Analysis graphs
Results Directory Structure
  •   In results directory, LoadRunner creates a subdirectory using the results name specified by us
  •   All the data LoadRunner gathers is placed in that directory
  •   Every set of results contains general information about the scenario in a result file (.lrr) and an event (.eve) file.

  •    During scenario execution, LoadRunner also gathers data from each Vuser and stores it in an event file _t_rep.eve and an output file output.txt
  •   LoadRunner creates a directory for each group in the scenario and a subdirectory for each Vuser

The Analysis

The Analysis graphs helps to determine system performance
and provides information about transactions and Vusers by
combining results from several scenarios or merging several
graphs into one.
  •   The Analysis is the utility that processes the gathered
    result information and generates graphs and reports
  •   The result file with an .lrr extension is the input to the Analysis tool
  •   An Analysis session contains at least one set of scenario
    results (lrr file)
Starting the Analysis:
The Analysis can be started
  as an independent application
  directly from the Controller

Analysis graphs:

The Analysis graphs are divided into the following categories:

Web Resources
Web Page Breakdown
User-Defined Data Points
System Resources
Network Monitor

Web Server Resources
Web Application Server Resources
Database Server Resources
Streaming Media
ERP Server Resources

Vuser graphs display information about Vuser states and other
Vuser statistics

Error graphs provide information about the errors that occurred
during the scenario execution

Transaction graphs and reports provide information about transaction performance and response time 

Web Resource
These graphs provide information about the throughput,
hits per second, HTTP responses per second, and downloaded
pages per second for Web Vusers.

System Resource
These graphs show statistics relating to the system resources
that were monitored during the scenario using the online monitor.

Network Monitor
Network Monitor graphs provide information about the network delays. 

Opening Analysis graphs:

By default, LoadRunner displays only the Summary Report in the
graph tree view

  •   Select Graph > Add Graph or click <New Graph>
    in the graph tree view
  •   This opens a New Graph dialog box
  •   Choose the required graph

Interpreting Analysis graphs:

LoadRunner Analysis graphs present important information about the performance of your scenario.

Using these graphs,

  •   Can identify and pinpoint bottlenecks in applications
  •   Determine changes needed to improve its performance
  •   Estimate the maximum load the server can handle
  •   Find response time of transactions under varied load
Case Study #1  Analyzing Performance under Load


Case Study #2  Breaking down Trx Response time 


Case Study #3  Web page breakdown graphs


Case Study #4  Identifying Network Problems


Case Study #5  Identifying Server Problems


Case Study #5  Identifying Server Problems

Case Study #6  Comparing Scenario Results 

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