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Use Case vs. (or AS?) Requirements

Printed From: One Stop Testing
Category: Quality Assurance @ OneStopTesting
Forum Name: Requirements and Design Documents @ OneStopTesting
Forum Discription: All those Artifacts generated in Requirement and Design Phases like Use Cases, SRS, Functional & Non-Functional Specefications, Check Lists, Design Documentations etc.
Printed Date: 05Mar2025 at 9:43am

Topic: Use Case vs. (or AS?) Requirements
Posted By: Sujata
Subject: Use Case vs. (or AS?) Requirements
Date Posted: 07May2007 at 4:35am
As to the correlation between the number of Use Cases and the number of requirements, I can personally attest to that! Part of what I have been doing is extrapolating actual requirements from a set of Use Cases (in this case narrative use cases, to clarify). I can assure you it's *not* a 1 to 1 relationship.

Where I'm finding myself struggling is that these particular use cases don't even seem to be designed with re-use in mind - there are no 'extends' use cases, etc. as one would normally see.

The caveat to all of this is that the specific cases I'm dealing with were delivered by a 3rd party vendor as the 'requirements' for the application.

Going forward, however, I ask because there is an great interest in exploring and implementing RUP or a similar process for the Object Oriented Projects here going forward, and I wondered at how more 'testable' requirements are covered within such processes.

For example, the use cases do not include UI Functionality, describe the fields that will exist on a given screen and the order they should follow, and things of this nature. In one instance, a step includes a note stating that "the screen returned will be slightly different based on which of the 5 options the user selects", but never goes into what the differences will be (nor is there even a 'base' identified).

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