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Manual & Functional Software Testing

Printed From: One Stop Testing
Category: Types Of Software Testing @ OneStopTesting
Forum Name: Manual Testing @ OneStopTesting
Forum Discription: Discuss All that is need to be known about Manual Software Testing and its Tools.
Printed Date: 06Feb2025 at 8:35am

Topic: Manual & Functional Software Testing
Posted By: Premalatha
Subject: Manual & Functional Software Testing
Date Posted: 23Feb2007 at 12:09pm
Consolidating the Testing Process

QaTraq Test Case Management Tool allows you to consolidate the manual and functional software testing process. With one functional software testing management tool we give you the control to automate your own techniques and strategies to track your testing, from the planning stages right through to the test completion reporting. From communicating your test plans to managing the functional coverage of your software testing QaTraq can help you gain control of the whole manual and functional software testing process without changing your own strategies or techiques.

Linking all your Test Artifacts

When undertaking manual software testing projects it's always a good testing strategy to take control of your test documentation. With QaTraq Test Case Management Tool, manual and functional software testing documentation is linked across the whole testing process bringing all your test artifacts to one central location. With all of your documentation and test artifacts linked, QaTraq frees you from the chore of trying to round up all your manual and functional software testing documentation.

Using special techiques your test scripts are linked to the relevant testing plan, test cases to the appropriate test scripts and test scripts to the right testing results. Thus for each manual aspect of testing you complete, QaTraq pulls together the results, functional coverage and many more details to give you a consistent and accurate view of your manual and functional software testing progress.

The scripts used throughout your testing are the key to pulling together all aspects of your manual functional testing. A good testing strategy is to collect the test cases in logical functional groups and then include them in scripts to facilitate the tracking and result collation of all your functional manual testing. QaTraq Test Case Management Tool enables you to assign your test cases to specific functional areas of the software. When you record results against the cases you instantly start to build up a picture of results against the functional areas of the software being tested.

Each of the manual results will be recorded along with logs, defects and versions of the software being tested. Tracking your manual results against the functional software scripts becomes far simpler with QaTraq special techniques.

Amongst other things QAtraq can provide you with:
  • Improved coordination between testers, team leaders and managers
  • A repository of your entire manual testing progress
  • A knowledge base of techincal testing to share amongst a test team
  • A formal channel for developers and testers to suggest tests
  • Accurate tracking of your functional software testing
  • Instant reports based on test cases created and executed
  • Statistics listing the testing which is most effective
  • Control of your Manual & functional software testing.

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