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SQA Plan - Web test example !!!

Printed From: One Stop Testing
Category: Quality Assurance @ OneStopTesting
Forum Name: Quality Methodologies / Streams @ OneStopTesting
Forum Discription: Any Good Testing Engineer must know about All the Quality Certifications & Methodologies like ISO, IEEE, CMM, PCCM, CMMMi, XP, Agile and many more.
Printed Date: 07Mar2025 at 11:06pm

Topic: SQA Plan - Web test example !!!
Posted By: tanushree
Subject: SQA Plan - Web test example !!!
Date Posted: 03Oct2007 at 12:07am
Can anyone provide a solid template or link to a SQAP(Sofware Quality Assurance Plan) conforming to the IEEE STD 730-2002 standard with the following sections:

1) Purpose
2) Reference documents
3) Management
4) Documentation
5) Standards, practices, conventions, and metrics
6) Software reviews
7) Test
8) Problem reporting and corrective action
9) Tools, techniques, and methodologies
10) Media control
11) Supplier control
12) Records collection, maintenance, and retention
13) Training
14) Risk management
15) Glossary
16) SQAP change procedure and history

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