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Questions related to Bugs

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Printed Date: 05Mar2025 at 1:17am

Topic: Questions related to Bugs
Posted By: Mithi25
Subject: Questions related to Bugs
Date Posted: 29Jul2009 at 11:32pm
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1. In which phase of SDLC, the fixing of bugs is least expensive?In which phase of SDLC, the fixing of bugs is most expensive

In the first phase of the SDLC (i.e requirements gathering) the cost of fixing the bugs is less but in the last phase of SDLC (i.e release and maintenance) the cost of fixing the bug is more because during the release time if a bug is raised then we have to debug the source code then modify the < name="IL_MARKER" ="">source code then do testing so for all this will take more cost.

2. Describe to the basic elements you put in a defect report?

The defect report format is
Sr no.
Test case id
Input data
< name="IL_MARKER" ="">Test case description
Expected result
Actual result

3. Why < name="IL_MARKER" ="">software quality assurance is important to developers?

QA is preventive < name="IL_MARKER" ="">process. QA is < name="IL_MARKER" ="">process to make sure that you are doing right thing, the right way. QA focus on buliding in Quality & hence preventing defects. QA focus on pocesses like defining, continuous improvement with the goal of defect prevention.

4. What is the objective of Defect Prevention meeting?

Closed defects can be reopened due to some of the following reason:

1)Fix given for some other issue may reopen closed < name="IL_MARKER" ="">defects.
2) Deployment not properly done at the time of fixing new < name="IL_MARKER" ="">defects.
3) Build issue.

And hence to prevent such < name="IL_MARKER" ="">defects to reopen, regression testing should be performed on the main flow, scenarios before each testing phase is completed.

And also if time permits quick sanity testing could be carried out  to ensure that there is no impact to the application or system before moving on to the next testing phase.

file:///C:/DOCUME%7E1/DATA%7E1.SYS/LOCALS%7E1/Temp/msohtml1/01/clip_editdata.mso -   5. What is the difference between New and Open bug? Who is responsible for changing the phase of bug from New to Open? 

New: As part of < name="IL_MARKER" ="">testing when you find an issue, you perform all the relevant checks, like whether it was occurring in the earlier release, if so then you will reopen the bug, if not then you will create new defect and the status of that defect will be "NEW"

Open: Once you open a new bug, it will be revised by Development/Project Manager and then he will assign it to the < name="IL_MARKER" ="">developer, then the status of < name="IL_MARKER" ="">the bug will be changed from NEW to OPEN

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