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Perform to ollet performance data

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Printed Date: 09Mar2025 at 6:04am

Topic: Perform to ollet performance data
Posted By: tanu
Subject: Perform to ollet performance data
Date Posted: 03Apr2007 at 11:17pm
How to use perfmon to collect performance data?

Tracking Performance Using the Performance Console (Perfmon.exe)

The Windows 2000 and Windows NT Performance console (perfmon.exe) is the easiest tool to use to profile your Windows application. The System Monitor graphically represents data found in the .NET performance counters that are installed with the common language runtime and the .NET Framework SDK. These counters can be used to monitor everything from memory management to just-in-time (JIT) compiler performance. They tell you about the resources your application uses, which is an indirect measure of your application's performance. Use these counters to understand how your application works internally rather than to directly measure your application's performance.

To run Perfmon.exe
    At the command prompt, type perfmon. The Performance console appears.

    In the toolbar, click the Add icon (the plus sign) and select the performance counter you want to view.

1. When new performance counters are installed while the NT Performance console is running, stop and restart the Performance console to make the new counters visible.

2. If you want to profile an assembly that exists in a zone or on a remote share, make sure that the remote assembly has full trust on the computer that runs the performance counters. If the assembly does not have sufficient trust, the performance counters will not work. For information about granting trust to different zones, see the - Code Access Security Policy Tool (Caspol.exe) .

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