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The Test Case in a Bug Report

Printed From: One Stop Testing
Category: Software Testing @ OneStopTesting
Forum Name: Bug Report @ OneStopTesting
Forum Discription: After Creating the Test Plan, Writing the Test Cases and using them, Finally We need to generate those Bug Reports which Proves that Testers are Good enough & most importantly Indispensable.
Printed Date: 11Mar2025 at 12:09am

Topic: The Test Case in a Bug Report
Posted By: Rupali
Subject: The Test Case in a Bug Report
Date Posted: 05Apr2007 at 3:59am
Operating system and hardware
The platform (operating system and hardware) indicates which system will reproduce the problem. If the behavior occurs on more than one platform, pick one to remove any ambiguity.
Source code for an executable test case
The source code should be a stand-alone application that can compile without any external libraries. Again, shorter is better: Anything longer than 20 lines makes it more difficult for engineers to find the actual cause and increases the probability that the problem is actually in the bug submitter's code. Although extracting a small test case from a gigantic deployed application is a challenge, submit as short a test case as possible. This exercise may reveal that the problem is in one's own code, which means that a solution is immediately available.
Steps to reproduce
Include the command-line invocation, even if it seems obvious.
Expected result
The expected behavior tells us how the test case should behave if no bug were present. If the test case produces this expected result, we know that a fix works.
Actual result
The actual behavior tells us the current results of the test case. If Sun engineering does not see this exact behavior, then the system configuration may be causing the problem.

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