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SilkTest,Features of SilkTest,File Types SilkTest

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Topic: SilkTest,Features of SilkTest,File Types SilkTest
Posted By: tanushree
Subject: SilkTest,Features of SilkTest,File Types SilkTest
Date Posted: 16Oct2007 at 3:23am

SilkTest is an automation tool for testing the functionality of enterprise applications in most versions of Windows, Sun Solaris 9 & 10, and Red Hat Enterprise Linux WS 2.1 & 3.0[1]. It is produced by Segue Software which was acquired by Borland in 2006. It is considered one of the leaders in enterprise software automated testing with more than 30% market share in North America.

SilkTest uses the proprietary 4Test language for automation scripting. It is an object oriented language similar to C++. It uses the concepts of classes, objects, and inheritance.

Main features of SilkTest

SilkTest has mainly 2 components:

    * SilkTest host: contains all the source script files.
    * SilkTest agent: translates the script command into GUI commands. These commands can be executed on the same machine as the host or on a remote machine.

SilkTest identifies all windows and controls of the application under test as objects and defines all of the properties and attributes of each window. Thus it supports object oriented implementation.

SilkTest can be run to identify mouse movement along with keystrokes. It can use both record and playback or descriptive programming methods to capture the dialogs.

Extensions supported by SilkTest:
.NET, Java, DOM, IE ,FireFox.

SilkTest uses Silk Bitmap Tool (bitview.exe) to capture and compare the windows and areas.

File Types used in SilkTest

Test Plan (.pln): used to create an suite of tests when combined with test scripts. Example : test.pln


        script : Mytest.t


        script : Mytest.t

Where Mytest.t is the main script file and firsttest and secondtest are testcase names in Mytest.t file. When this plan file is run it will automatically pick up first and second testcase in order and run those.

Test script(.t):
used to write actual test scripts. Example: Mytest.t (Automating notepad application)

    use ""
    -testcase firsttest


    -testcase secondtest


When this script runs it will execute firsttest and secondtest in order and then exit the notepad application.

Frame file (.inc): The abstraction layer used to define the windows and controls in application under test that will be further referenced in .t files. Example :

    -Window mainwin notepad

        -Menu File

            Menuitem New

        -Menu Edit

            Menuiem Replace

Here 'Window' is main class with 'Menu', 'Menuitem' as a subclass. File, Replace are objects.

Result file (.res): contains test run results with the names of passed or failed tests along with a description of the failures. Can also contain log messages.

Other than the results file, all files are text-based and can be edited in a text editor or the SilkTest IDE. As of SilkTest 2006 the files can be saved in either ANSI, Unicode, or UTF-8 formats. All of the source files are compiled into pseudocode object files either when loaded or at run time if the source files are changed.

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