Mobile Device testing
Printed From: One Stop Testing
Category: Types Of Software Testing @ OneStopTesting
Forum Name: Mobile, PDAs & Embedded Systems Testing @ OneStopTesting
Forum Discription: Discuss All that is need to be known about Mobile, PDAs & Embedded Systems Testing and its Tools.
Printed Date: 07Mar2025 at 6:06pm
Topic: Mobile Device testing
Posted By: Anant_bit
Subject: Mobile Device testing
Date Posted: 03May2007 at 10:32pm
Many mobile solutions involve a significant hardware element in
addition to the PDA, such as scanners, mobile telephony, GPS and
position based devices, telemetry, etc... These extra hardware elements
place additional demands on the tester, particularly in terms of
isolating a bug to hardware or software.
2) Mobile applications
are often intended to be used by people with no technical or IT
background, such as meter readers, milkmen, insurance sales people, on
devices that have small screens, and either no keyboards or awkward
keyboards. Good usability testing, carried out in conjunction with key
users, in their own environment, is essential. I have seen a number of
hand held projects fail for the reason that the end-user could not come
to terms with the technology, even though the application was robust
and met the functional spec.
3) Many hand-held operating
systems come in even more flavors than their desk top counterparts. I
can think of seven flavors of Windows CE alone. Add to this that many
enterprise PDA manufactures OEM the operating system, and update it
regularly, you start to see the problems testing. Remember also that we
don't have our faithful automation tools for regression testing here.