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Testing Methodologies Keywords

Printed From: One Stop Testing
Category: Types Of Software Testing @ OneStopTesting
Forum Name: Manual Testing @ OneStopTesting
Forum Discription: Discuss All that is need to be known about Manual Software Testing and its Tools.
Printed Date: 10Mar2025 at 9:37pm

Topic: Testing Methodologies Keywords
Posted By: gilbertsavier
Subject: Testing Methodologies Keywords
Date Posted: 06Aug2009 at 1:50am
Hello all you Gurus and helpful folks.

I am extremely new to the site and was wondering if I might get some help with where to begin researching various testing methodologies. I have used the search bar, and come up with a few helpful posts, but I am inundated with acronyms I don't recognize or understand, questions that seem too pointed and specific for my purposes, and answers that raise even more questions. Here's the skinny:

I have an assignment this term in my Game Software Testing and Debugging class (SG-420) that entails writing a report "covering the use of various testing methodologies and techniques". My problem is that I don't know where to begin my search. Well, obviously I began my search here, and I've actually come up with some useful information, but I want more (don't we all?). Here's a few things I've come up with in the forums so far:

--A very helpful link posted by user: smiller257 in response to a question about what items should be covered in functional testing. The link points to a portion of and contains some useful newsletters on Negative Testing

--Another link to a site about Scrum plus Manual Testing posted by user: Ainars in asking a question about Scrum plus Manual Testing

--A PDF file on White-Box Testing that looks like it contains some useful information posted by user: Decent in response to a question about a White-Box Testing tutorial.

Basically what I'm asking is if anyone knows (and could possibly give me a list) of some of the various *types* of testing methodologies so that I can direct my search in a productive direction. As it stands, I'm having trouble even doing a Google search for finding different types of methodologies and getting useful information on the actual techniques therein. Thank you for any help you could give me toward this end.

P.S. Please do not post anything that might count as doing this assignment for me. I simply want to kick-start my research with a good base of keywords and/or sites to use to actually research various testing methodologies and techniques used in testing. Thanks again.

Thanks for all your help guys. I found enough resources online to do the paper, which I completed today. The techniques/methodologies I chose to describe were:

--Negative Testing
--Agile Scrum (as a testing technique separate from the SDLC)
--White-Box Testing (and its difference from Black-Box testing)
--Monkey Testing
--Smoke Testing

Thanks & regards
Lokananth - Live Chat Software By miOOt

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