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Web Testing Interview Questions with Answers

Printed From: One Stop Testing
Category: Types Of Software Testing @ OneStopTesting
Forum Name: Web Testing @ OneStopTesting
Forum Discription: Discuss All that is need to be known about Web Testing and its Tools.
Printed Date: 14Feb2025 at 11:42pm

Topic: Web Testing Interview Questions with Answers
Posted By: Sangita
Subject: Web Testing Interview Questions with Answers
Date Posted: 19Jun2007 at 5:10am
1.What is the difference in testing a CLENT-SERVER application and a WEB application ?


Web Server

Application server

Webserver serves pages for viewing in web browser

application server provides exposes business logic for client applications through various protocols

Webserver exclusively handles http requests

Application server serves bussiness logic to application programs through any number of protocols.


Webserver delegation model is fairly simple,when the request comes into the webserver,it simply passes the request to the program best able to handle it(Server side program). It may not support transactions and database connection pooling

Application server is more capable of dynamic behaviour than webserver. We can also configure application server to work as a webserver.Simply applic! ation server is a superset of webserver.

Web Server serves static HTML pages  or gifs, jpegs, etc., and can also run code written in CGI, JSP etc. A Web server handles the HTTP protocol. Eg of some web server are IIS or apache

An Application Server is used to run business logic or dynamically generated presentation code. It can either be .NET based or J2EE based (BEA WebLogic Server, IBM WebSphere, JBoss).


A J2EE application server runs servlets and JSPs (infact a part of the app server called web container is responsible for running servlets and JSPs) that are used to create HTML pages dynamically. In addition, J2EE application server can run EJBs - which are used to execute business logic.


A J2EE application server runs servlets and JSPs (infact a part of the app server called web container is responsible for running servlets and JSPs) that are used to create HTML

2. What command is used to launch a application in winrunner?

invoke_application("pathoffile"," "," ","sw-show)"path of file")

these two commands will help u, see in functiongenerator or press F7 in winrunner search for invoke command. U may find description

3. How to test Browser compatibility testing

Testing the application with multiple browsers (ie IE,Netscape navigator,Mozilla Firefox etc)is called browser compatibility testing.

4. What are the typical problems in web testing?

1:server problems(ie server down or under maintance)

2:HardWare problem

3:DataBase problem

5. what is your approach or how do you start Testing an Webapplication?

The first thing u need is to go through the specification and without using the specification u are just playing with the application.So specification is the main interface to the for any software to be tested.

6.What are the important test scenarios for testing a web site?

A penetration Testingis a detailed analysis(external audit) of the network and associated systems from the prespective of a potential hacker. A penetration test will test the network for thousands of known vulnerablities and provide a detailed report of any vulnerabilities that are found.The tests are conducted remotely over the Internet and do not require physical assess to your premises nor do they require access to any privileged information such as usernames or passwords They are based on an external testing 'Black box' approach- where by no prior assumptions about your systems are made.The following activites will be covered under the penteration Testing.* bugs, exploits, vulnerabilities and security holes* firewall and router weaknesses* Weaknesses in web-server scripts* exploitable trusts and shares between systems.

7. how do you test the URL of a web based application?

using "recording" & "insert menu in LR"

web_url("step name",p"path",Frame,LAST);

8.write test case for a search engine?

suppose if we are going to test google,type your desired  word  in the google text box & click 'ok' for search.You will get the related data in number of pages.So copy the data under one of the links in page number more than 5 and paste it in notepad.

Now type first two words of the text in google text field and click 'ok' for serach.

Now the above copied data will come to the page number less than 5.

Now try with first 3 words of the copied data, and serach..this time the data will come more closer to page number 1.

Now try with first 4 words,5 words till the pasted data in notepad come to top in the page number 1.

This is the approach to test the search engine.

9. Give the step by step procedure of web testing.

As web testing is concern steps are given.

1. Check for the content visibility on the page.

2. check for the content correctness.

3. Functionality if there is any.

4.Security Testing.

5.Data integrity.

6.Nevigation check.

7.Compatibility with different browser.

10. What is scalability tersting?

Load testing consists of simulating real-life workload conditions for the application under test. It helps you determine various characteristics of the application working under massive workload. You can perform your test several times with a different number of users working concurrently to find out how various parts of the application react to the increasing load.
Stress testing is aimed at determining the load (for example, the number of user requests) that causes a crash or an unacceptable performance of the application under test.
The purpose of scalability testing is to determine whether your application scales for the workload growth. Suppose your company expects a six-fold load increase on your server in the next two months. You may need to increase the server performance and to shorten the request processing time to better serve visitors. If your application is scalable, you can shorten this time by upgrading the server hardware, for example, you can increase the CPU frequency and add more RAM (also, you can increase the request performance by changing the server software, for example, by replacing the text-file data storages with SQL Server databases. To find a better solution, first you can test hardware changes, then software changes and after that compare the results of the tests).

If the scalability tests report that the application is not scalable, this means there is a bottleneck somewhere within the application.
Scalability testing can be performed as a series of load tests with different hardware or software configurations keeping other settings of testing environment unchanged. When performing scalability testing, you can vary such variables as the CPU frequency, number and type of servers, amount of available RAM, and so on.

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