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test case

Printed From: One Stop Testing
Category: Software Testing @ OneStopTesting
Forum Name: Test Cases @ OneStopTesting
Forum Discription: You must be well versed in writting Good Test Cases as they only will decide whether you can catch most of bugs or not.
Printed Date: 25Mar2025 at 2:26am

Topic: test case
Posted By: jagathi
Subject: test case
Date Posted: 12Dec2008 at 1:53am
hi everybody!
can u tell me how to write test case for lift machine

Posted By: Tester123
Date Posted: 23Jan2009 at 6:07am
write test case based on lift functionality like up and down , write based on load .


Posted By: krishnajihere
Date Posted: 06Feb2009 at 4:26am

SNO.       DESCRIPTION                                 EXPECTATION
1           Is the lift in a workable condition    Yes/No.
2           Does the lift have press buttons
             on every floor                                  Yes/No.
3           Does the lift have a generator in
             case of power failure                       Yes/No.
4           Does the lift stop at every floor       Yes/No.
5           Does the lift have all buttons in
             the lift                                              Yes/No.
6           Does the lift have an alarm in
             case of emergency                           Yes/No.
7           Does the lift have fan/Light              Yes/No.
8           Company of the lift                           Yes/No.
9           Is the lift properly installed               Yes/No.
10         Is the lift safe for children                 Yes/No.
11         Does the lift have a mirror                Yes/No.
12         Is the door properly working            Yes/No.
13         Does the lift have a phone facility    
             to contact during emergency            Yes/No.
14         The capacity of the lift                       10 people/20 people....
15         Is the lift able to stop at every floor  Yes/No.

Posted By: cprasenjit26
Date Posted: 07Jul2009 at 5:57am
Lift Machine is an enterprise-wide website testing solution allowing your organization to test and monitor for compliance with W3C and U.S. Section.
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