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Model-Based Test Automation

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Printed Date: 10Mar2025 at 12:00am

Topic: Model-Based Test Automation
Posted By: yxl01
Subject: Model-Based Test Automation
Date Posted: 30Mar2009 at 10:34am

Just to bring attention to this group on Model-Based Testing (MBT).  MBT has been around for a few years, it is a component of Model-Driven Architecture which is gaining momentum in recent years in software industry.  Many believe it is the future for the software development.

The main idea of MBT is to address the deficiencies in the traditional software testing techniques which is inefficient in handling changes to the software.  In today's Agile development process, the software is constantly being changed and the test automation scripts are constatnly broken due to software changes. 
MBT provides a methodology to model your application with a simple state chart diagram from which the test cases are generated automatically by the system.  Changes to the software can then be applied to the application model much easier than sipping through thousands of lines of scripting codes.
With the ability to have system generate test cases from the application model enables QA to achieve higher percentage testing coverage with less amount of time and effort.
There are several tools out that are based on MBT.  For example, TestOptimal ( - ), - , Conformiq.
Check them out if you are looking for ways to improve your test automation and reduce testing cycle.

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