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Printed From: One Stop Testing
Category: Testing Jobs @ OneStopTesting
Forum Name: Testing Interview Questions & Placement Papers
Forum Discription: Testing Interview Questions & Placement Papers exclusively for Testing Jobs. Live Interview Experiences will also be shared.
Printed Date: 21Mar2025 at 8:34am

Posted By: tanushree
Date Posted: 27Feb2008 at 8:59pm


The written paper was in two parts:
1. Logical Reasoning
2. Verbal (English)

The logical portion consisted of 30 questions to be attempted in 40 min. Logical Reasoning had following type of questions:

1. Question about a football tournament and questions on it like how many matches were there in the tournament and how many points a team should score to get into next round (total 5 questions)

2. Questions involving figures and picking the odd one out (5 questions)

3. A question on bar chart (5 questions)

4. Questions on data sufficiency (typical R S Agarwal pattern)
(5 questions)

5. Syllogism (5 questions)

6. A puzzle about five girls taking five coachings and studying from 5 different books.Pretty hard one (5 questions)

English portion:

1. 2 passages of about 1 1/2 pages each and 5-5 simple questions based on them.(10 questions)

2. four similar sentences were given and you have to find the grammatically correct sentence. (8 questions)

3. Fill in the blanks (8 questions)

4. A sentence was given with a portion underlined and you had to find the best substitute for the underlined portion.(8 questions)

5. Theme Detection. A small passage, of 4-5 lines was given and you had to find the option which correctly inferred from the passage.(6 questions)

The resoning paper was quite tough. I had studied english or verbal portion from the study material provided by IMS (for CAT) and trust me the questions in the paper were of the similar pattern and same difficulty level  as given in the study material.
Cut off for LR was about 16 questions and for Verbal was about 23.Total 64 out of 230 were selected from my college for interview.

HR Interview:- There were 10 panels for the interview and mine was no 4. The HR was a lady.
Me: May I come in mam.
She: yes please. Sit down please.
       Can I have your resume please.
(I gave )
She: Ok.So you have maintained 73% in B Tech.
Me: Yes Mam
She: Where is this Lakhimpur (I belong to Lakhimpur Kheri)
Me: Mam it is 135 Km north of Lucknow.
She: So Mr Vaibhava what did you learn from your school..... Don Bosco School?
(I told her that mine was the school run by missionaries, was the best school in the city and a lot of stress was laid on english speaking)
She: So you are good in english.
Me : Yes Mam.

She : How do you rate your college compared to other colleges?
( I told her that my college was quite good and only 1 or 2 other colleges were better than mine)
She : Tell me about your projects.
( I had mentioned 3 projects in my resume and I told about them in detail. Remember guys if u mention about a project go well prepared with it)
She: What are the things which u can add to your projects which are unique?
Me :(told)
She: Vaibhava, you have mentioned in two of your projects that you have just designed them, how was this a team work then?
Me: Actually we were just 3 people so one did the designing, second did coding and the last one performed all kinds of testing. As the work was divided between three people it was team work.
She: what else do you do apart from studies upon which you can look back and say that yes I have done this?
Me: (thought for a while) Yes mam, I teach my cook who is illiterate.
(She was quite impressed by this and asked questions like how much he has learnt and things like that)
She: Ok Mr Vaibhava what is the meaning of your name?
Me: (told)
She: Do you have any questions?
Me: What am I going to learn during my training in Infosys?
She: (told that the training is a rigorous one and projects are given regularly)
This was my interview. Other panels asked puzzles. All they ask is puzzles (1 or 2) and everything from your resume. NOTHING technical is asked.

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