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ISTQB Sample Question Paper #8

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Topic: ISTQB Sample Question Paper #8
Posted By: Mithi25
Subject: ISTQB Sample Question Paper #8
Date Posted: 30Jul2009 at 10:23pm

1. Deliverables of test design phase include all the following except (Testing

a) Test data
b) Test data plan
c) Test summary report
d) Test procedure plan

2. Which of the following is not decided in the test-planning phase? (Testing
a) Schedules and deliverables
b) Hardware and software
c) Entry and exit criteria
d) Types of test cases

3. Typical defects that are easier to find in reviews than in dynamic testing are:
A. deviations from standards,
B.requirement defects, defects,
D.insufficient maintainability and incorrect interface specifications.
E.All of the above.

4. Load Testing Tools (Per. Testing)
a) reduces the time spent by the testers
b) reduces the resources spent (hardware)
c) mostly used in web testing
d) all of the above

5. Reviews, static analysis and dynamic testing have the same objective –
A.identifying defects.
B. fixing defects.
C. 1 and 2
D. None

6. Defect arrival rate curve:
A. Shows the number of newly discovered defects per unit time
B. Shows the number of open defects per unit time.
C. Shows the cumulative total number of defects found up to this time.
D. Any of these, depending on the company.

7. What are the 2 major components taken into consideration with risk analysis?
(Test Mgmt)
a) The probability the negative event will occur
b) The potential loss or impact associated with the event
c) Both a and b
d) Neither a nor b

8. We can achieve complete statement coverage but still miss bugs because:
A. The failure occurs only if you reach a statement taking the TRUE branch of an IF
statement, and you got to the statement with a test that passed through the FALSE
B. The failure depends on the program's inability to handle specific data values,
rather than on the program's flow of control.
C. Both A and B
D. We are not required to test code that customers are unlikely to execute.

9. Who is responsible for conducting test readiness review? (Performing
a. Test manager
b. Test engineer
c. both A & B
d. Project Manager

10. What if the project isn't big enough to justify extensive testing? (Test Mgmt)
a) Use risk based analysis to find out which areas need to be tested
b) Use automation tool for testing
c) a and b
d) None of the above

11. What are the key features to be concentrated upon when doing a testing for
world wide web sites (Test Execution)
a) Interaction between html pages
b) Performance on the client side
c) Security aspects
d) All of the above

12. What can be done if requirements are changing continuously? (Test Mgmt)
a) Work with the project's stakeholders early on to understand how
requirements might change so that alternate test plans and strategies
can be worked out in advance, if possible.
b) Negotiate to allow only easily-implemented new requirements into the
project, while moving more difficult new requirements into future
versions of the application
c) Both a and b
d) None of the above

13. The selection of test cases for regression testing (Testing artifacts)
a) Requires knowledge on the bug fixes and how it affect the system
b) Includes the area of frequent defects
c) Includes the area which has undergone many/recent code changes
d) All of the above

14. Measurement dysfunction is a problem because:
A. Even though the numbers you look at appear better, to achieve these numbers, people are doing other aspects of their work much less well.B. We don't know how to measure a variable (our measurement is dysfunctional) and
so we don't know how to interpret the result.
C. You are measuring the wrong thing and thus reaching the wrong conclusions.
D. All of the above.

15. What do you mean by “Having to say NO” (test planning process)
a. No, the problem is not with testers
b. No, the software is not ready for production
c. Both a & b
d. none of the above

16. According to the lecture, there are several risks of managing your project's schedule
with a statistical reliability model. These include (choose one or more of the following):
A. Testers spend more energy early in the product trying to find bugs than preparing
to do the rest of the project's work more efficiently
B. Managers might not realize that the testing effort is ineffective, late in the project,
because they expect a low rate of bug finding, so the low rate achieved doesn't
alarm them.
C. It can increase the end-of-project pressure on testers to not find bugs, or to not
report bugs.
D. All of the above

17. Operations testing is (Performing Test)
a. compliance testing
b. disaster testing
c. verifying compliance to rules
d. functional testing
e. ease of operations

18. Tools like change Man, Clear case are used as (test planning process)
a. functional automation tools
b. performance testing tools
c. configuration management tools
d. none of the above.

19. Important consequences of the impossibility of complete testing are (Choose one or more answers):
A. We can never be certain that the program is bug free.
B. We have no definite stopping point for testing, which makes it easier for some
managers to argue for very little testing.
C. We have no easy answer for what testing tasks should always be required,
because every task takes time that could be spent on other high importance tasks.
D. All of the above.

20. Which is not in sequence in 11 Step Software Testing process (Tester’s
Role SDLC)
a Assess development plan and status
b Develop the test plan
c Test software design
d Test software requirement

21. In the MASPAR case study:
A. Security failures were the result of untested parts of code.
B. The development team achieved complete statement and branch coverage but
missed a serious bug in the MASPAR operating system.
C. An error in the code was so obscure that you had to test the function with almost
every input value to find its two special-case failures.

D. All of the above.

22. Complete statement and branch coverage means:
A. That you have tested every statement in the program.
B. That you have tested every statement and every branch in the program.
C. That you have tested every IF statement in the program.
D. That you have tested every combination of values of IF statements in the program

23. What if the project isn't big enough to justify extensive testing? (Test Mgmt)
a) Use risk based analysis to find out which areas need to be tested
b) Use automation tool for testing
c) a and b
d) None of the above

24. Security falls under (Performing Test)
a. compliance testing
b. disaster testing
c. verifying compliance to rules
d. functional testing
e. ease of operations

25. Which is the best definition of complete testing:
A. You have discovered every bug in the program.
B. You have tested every statement, branch, and combination of branches in the
C. You have completed every test in the test plan.
D. You have reached the scheduled ship date.

26. What is the concept of introducing a small change to the program and having the
effects of that change show up in some test? (Testing concepts)
a) Desk checking
b) Debugging a program
c) A mutation error
d) Performance testing
e) Introducing mutations

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