1. what is the difference between Rational Robot (Rational Functional Tester)and IBM functional tester?
Rational Robot and Ration Functional Test(RFT) are two different test automation products and both from IBM.
Ofcourse, As the previous person said, IBM bought Robot a while ago.
RFT is from IBM and use Java kind OOPS language (Objects & stuff like SILK TEST TOOL) &
VB.net as languages whereas Robot use SQA basic (like VBA code) for scripting.
Robot works very well with Power Builder applications, whereas RFT works very well with
J2EE projects, ASP.net, VB Projects as well as many other.
RFT is most advanced version with lot of features like supports automating mainframe
testing wih emulators, etc. There is lot to talk about it.
2. what is the difference between rational robot and QTP or Winrunner? which is more ueful of the three?
rational robot is both performance and functionality tool. but winrunner and qtp is the
functionality tool. use different script languages. winrunner not test .asp net
applications,only java functions.but qtp test any kind of applications. advanced keyword
driven testing solution tool in qtp. qtp and winrunner both are functionality regression
tool.qtp is user friendly than anyother automation tool by keyword option.tester who
doesn't know high level of coding also do testing in qtp by keyword option.rational robot
and winrunner is platform dependent. but qtp is platform independent.
3. What is the Difference Between Rational Robot & WinRunner ?
Rational Robot :- 1. Developed by IBM and is a part Rational Rose Suite 2 . Its Test Script
is Similar to VB 3 . Only 1 kind of Recording [Simple Recording]
WinRunnner :- 1. Developed by Mercury Interactive 2. Its Test Script is Similar to VC++ 3.
2 Kinds of Recording [Context & Analog]
4.What SQABasic commands have you used?
We can use many Sqabasic Command like
Datapool command
1. SQADataPoolOpen()
3. SQADataPoolValue()
For Calling other Script in Script
1. Callscript( "script name" )
5.Difference between SQAgetpropertyArray and SQAGetPropertyAsString?
SQAGetPropertyAsArray - Return type of this function is in the form of array.
SQAGetPropertyAsString - Return type of this function is in the form of String.
6.What do .sbl and .sbh represent?
.SBL ---.SBL is a library file where all the functions have been intialized and programmed
.SBH ---.SBH is a file where all the functions have been declared and whenever you need to
intialize any function then that can all be done. Moreover, all static & constant variables
can also be declared in .SBH files which will be used Rational Scripts.
Both the files will be declared in SQA Basic Script file. You can't compile both the files
individually. You will have to compile them through Script file only.
7. What is the difference between SQA Robot and Rational Robot or does both are same?
SQA robot and Ratinal Robot are the products of IBM Products.Noramally used for testing IBM application.
SQA robot and Rational Robot are one and same .But only differneces is the advanced verion
of SQA Robot is Rational Robot.
8.which is the script used in rational robot
9.how to convert all the rational robot script files in to QTP script files?
how to convert all the rational robot script files in to QTP script files tool that is like
file transferring from rational robot into Qtp or atleast if there ia any possibility
something like how the qtp will call WinRunner test if there any Load ins to add to do that
in QTP Tool pls specify that. because currently i have done my testing in rational robot
but that is in half way process now i want to shift it to the tool Qtp tool
10.How do we connect to database using Rational Robot?
First You have to make SYSTEM DSN .For that follow this
Start -> settings -> control panel -> Administrator Tools -> Data Sources(ODBC) : then
click on SYSTEM DSN and create your DSN.(For this U have to create your database in
MS-access or SQL server 2000 as per ur choice.)
then use this code
' Dim connection As Long ' Dim destination(1 To 50, 1 To 125) As Variant ' Dim retcode As long ' Dim query as String ' Dim outputStr as String
' connection = SQLOpen("DSN=master1",outputStr,prompt:=1) ' query = "select * from data1" 'Execute the query ' retcode = SQLExecQuery(connection,query) ' msgbox retcode
This last stmt shows you the retcode id connection successfully establised the a positive
code will retured else negative code will be there