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Effort Estimation Sheets Required

Printed From: One Stop Testing
Category: Quality Assurance @ OneStopTesting
Forum Name: Estimation and Planning
Forum Discription: Estimation and Planning are two of the most integral components of product development process.Proper planning prevents a project deviate from its desired goals.
Printed Date: 27Mar2025 at 11:54pm

Topic: Effort Estimation Sheets Required
Posted By: Arati
Subject: Effort Estimation Sheets Required
Date Posted: 27Apr2007 at 2:09am
Dear All,

Can Some one provide me the estimation Formula/Excel Sheet for Automation testing exclusively for QTP & LR.

Also if somebody Can post the BPT-QC study material.

That will be of a Great Help..

Posted By: Meghana
Date Posted: 27Apr2007 at 5:42am
Can Some one provide me the estimation Formula/Excel Sheet for Automation testing

exclusively for QTP & LR.

Sure I can. It's very simple:
T = N x t, where:
T - total time, required to automate N test cases
N - number of test cases to automate
t - time to automate a test case "on average".

T depends on your budget and a project plan.
N is described in your test automation plan.
t depends on your skills and complexity of test cases.

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