Software Security Testing.......
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Category: Types Of Software Testing @ OneStopTesting
Forum Name: Security Testing @ OneStopTesting
Forum Discription: Discuss All that is need to be known about Security Testing, All Security Issues and its Tools.
Printed Date: 22Mar2025 at 5:35pm
Topic: Software Security Testing.......
Posted By: Riya
Subject: Software Security Testing.......
Date Posted: 17Feb2007 at 10:43am
Software Security Testing
“Software is the fuel on which modern businesses are run, governments rule
and societies become better connected. Software has helped us create, access and
visualize information in previously inconceivable ways and forms. Globally, the
breathtaking pace of progress in software has helped drive the growth of the world’s
economy. On a more human scale, software-intensive products have helped cure the
sick and given voice to the speechless, mobility to the impaired and opportunity
to the less able. From all these perspectives, software in an indispensable part
of our modern world.â€1 As these advances take hold, it seems that software security is not keeping
pace. Despite new technical standards, such as WS-Security2 and modern
replacements like AES3 for aging cryptography algorithms such
as DES, the security problem appears to be getting worse, not better. To make
matters worse, according to research by the National Institute of Standards
(NIST), 92% of all security vulnerabilities are now considered application vulnerabilities
and not network vulnerabilities. Why are so many people getting software security so wrong, and what is needed
before things improve? Like any good software analyst does, it helps to look
at the root cause of the problem before suggesting better ways of working. In
particular we are going to introduce a better way of testing Web software security
from OWASP—The Open Web Application Security Project .
Over the last decade, a vast security industry grew out of an earlier, more
innocent hacking community. The early predominantly academic community had access
to the first Unix derivatives, and in an effort to explore the boundaries of
the new technology, created extensions and “hacked†the code to
get it to do what they wanted. The emerging computer networks, like telephony
systems, were places to discover how technology was being used in practice and,
in doing so, enthusiasts started sharing tricks about ways to do things they
thought were cool. These garage meetings and underground cultures spawned hackers
to use handles like “Captain Crunch†and “Condor,†and
a subculture of exploit sharing ensued. The mainstream security industry has followed the mass technology adoption path
from Internet networking through to the mainstream emergence of commercial operating
systems and applied many of the same tricks from those early days. If you walk
around Las Vegas during the annual Defcon hacker convention, you could be forgiven
for thinking that very little has changed from those early days (apart from
commercialization of the subculture and the adoption of games like “Hacker
Jeopardy,†where girls take their clothes off in response to the audience
answering technical questions). While a small portion of the mainstream hacking
crowd today has their roots in developing C code, the majority use automated
security scanning tools or exploit code written by the elite few. While the system admin skills translated relatively well to network and operating-system
security where functionality was predetermined or at least bound, as we evolve
into solving the new generation of security problems, we need a different approach
and a different skill set. The first generation of vendor tools was called application
security tools, the connotation being that once the software is built and compiled,
the problems are instantiated into applications. Fundamentally we have to accept that if software security is the problem, then
the solution lies in building secure software. Building secure software is very
different from learning how to securely configure a firewall. It must be baked
into the software, and not painted on afterwards. It can be helpful to think of secure software development as a combination of
people, process and technology.
If these are the factors that “create†software, then it is logical
that these are the factors that also must be tested. Today, most people just
test the technology or the software itself. In fact, most people today don’t
test the software until it has already been created and is in the deployment
phase of its life cycle (that is, code has been created and instantiated into
a working Web application). Instead they apply penetration-testing techniques
after the application has been posted to the Internet. This is generally a very
ineffective and cost-prohibitive practice. Grady Booch, software modeling author
and contributor to the Unified Modeling Language (UML), describes this approach
as a case where treating the symptoms doesn’t cure the disease. This is
very true of software security. The security industry must adapt and learn the
hard lessons that the software development community has realized over the past
decade. Just as software engineers have learned that you don’t engineer
software the same way you engineer a skyscraper, the security industry also
must adapt if it is to survive. An effective testing program should have components that test: People—to ensure that there is adequate education, awareness
and skill. Process—to ensure that the team has policy, and that
the people know how to follow the policies and what the appropriate and effective
techniques and processes to do that are. Technology—to ensure that the process has been effective
in its implementation and leverage the appropriate security features in development
languages and frameworks.
Unless a holistic approach is adopted, testing only the technical implementation
of an application will not uncover management or operational vulnerabilities
that could be present. People have to test for the disease and not the symptoms,
and when they find they have the disease, they must prescribe both a short-term
and long-term prescription to manage it. By testing the people and, most importantly,
the process, you can catch issues that would later manifest themselves into
defects in the technology (symptoms), thus eradicating bugs early and identify
the root causes of defects. Likewise today, people are usually only testing some of the technical issues
that can be present in a system. This results in an incomplete and inaccurate
security posture assessment. Denis Verdon, Head of the Corporate Information
Security Group at Fidelity National Financial, presented an excellent analogy
for this misconception at the OWASP AppSec 2004 Conference in New York. “If cars were built like applications…safety tests would assume
frontal impact only. Cars would not be roll tested, or tested for stability
in emergency maneuvers, brake effectiveness, side impact and resistance to theft,â€
Verdon stated at the conference. Many organizations have started to use Web application scanners. These black-box
scanners attempt to crawl across Web sites and find security bugs acting like
an automatic hacker. While they may have a place in a testing program, we don’t
believe that automating black-box testing is, or will ever be, effective. It
should be one of the last things an organization turns to test the problem,
not the first. We are not discouraging the use of Web application scanners.
Rather, we are saying that their limitations should be understood, and testing
frameworks should be planned appropriately. As an example, we once reviewed a Web site where the designers created an administrative
backdoor that was left in the production application. When you click on a link
or send user input forms to the Web site, you send in parameters. When you get
the weather for your local area from, for instance, you may
be sending your zip code as parameters. In the application in question, the
developers had written the site in such a way that if you sent in a seemingly
random set of parameters that was 40 characters long, you were automatically
logged in as the administrator. The only way for a Web application scanning
tool to have found the hole was for it to have guessed the exact code from literally
billions of options; something that is unfeasible. It would have taken several
hundred years in this case. However, even for a non-programmer looking at the source code, it was obvious
that this flaw existed. The logic followed the basic flow of: if input from browser = “the special 40 characters†then log user
in as administrator One malicious user could have sent a hyperlink out to hundreds or thousands
of people on a public mailing list, and everyone would have been able to have
total control of the site and the businesses’ client accounts. This type of example is all too common. Other similar situations have occurred
in which developers have created their own encryption routines that, to the
untrained eye, passed as garbage but to the basic security analyst was trivial
to decrypt. One such application I tested contained the account number from
which to debit mortgage payments—quite a shock for a customer who finds
he is paying a stranger’s loan. These types of issues cannot be practically
and effectively found using black-box scanning techniques. Testing has shown that the current crop of Web application scanners find fewer
than 20% of the vulnerabilities in a common Web site. That leaves about 80%
in production code for the hackers to find and exploit. As Gary McGraw, author of “Building Secure Software,†puts it so
eloquently, “If you fail a penetration test, you know you have a really
bad problem; if you pass a penetration test, you have no idea you don’t
have a really bad problem.†To make matters worse for the development community, the hacker community has
long loved the use of technical jargon to describe security issues. A recent
group of application scanning vendors, whose members include those who have
published holes in Hotmail and other live Web systems, have recently banded
together to create a taxonomy of terms with the objective of avoiding jargon.
Ironically, the results of their work include terms like “Insufficient
Anti-automation,†“Abuse of Functionality†and “OS Commanding,â€
which only exacerbates the problem with this “jargon-busting jargon.â€
It is all too easy to see why the software industry is having a hard time taking
advice from the security industry. Luckily, the OWASP has attracted the support of many development-focused practitioners
and garnished the support of IT security executives at large companies, such
as Fidelity, and is slowly molding the mainstream perception of how to address
software security. Verdon of Fidelity National says, “The security community still hasn’t
caught up with the challenges faced by the application-development community
and is, frankly, leaving many of them still not knowing what questions to ask.
Sure the architects know J2EE’s and .Net’s security frameworks,
but nobody—up until recently, that is—was giving them a good set
of requirements to work with. That was the security industry’s failing.
The people that make up OWASP realize this and are beginning to bridge that
gap. OWASP members are helping to build the common language we need to model
security issues and their solutions accurately.â€OWASP Testing Project As part of a big vision to provide a cohesive set of documentation and supporting
software, one project paving the way is the two-part OWASP Testing Project.
Part One of the project—to introduce a task-based, security-testing framework—will
help organizations build their own testing process. Part Two supports the framework
with detailed technical descriptions of how to implement the high-level process,
including how to examine code for specific issues. Part One is due for release
in September 2004, and Part Two early in 2005. As with all OWASP projects, the
documentation and software is open source and free. This task-orientated testing framework consists of activities that should take
- Before Development Begins
- During Definition and Design
- During Development
- During Deployment
Before application development has started, the framework recommends testing
to ensure that there is an adequate Software Development Life Cycle process
and that security is inherent to the process. It recommends testing to ensure
that the appropriate policy and standards are in place for the development team,
and that the development team creates metrics and measurement criteria. These
concepts should be nothing new to development teams that adopt best practices,
such as the Rational Unified Process originated at Rational Software (company
acquired by IBM in 2003). Next to ensuring that security is an integral part of the software development
life cycle itself, ensuring that there are appropriate policies, standards and
documentation in place is a must. Documentation is extremely important because
it gives development teams guidelines and policies that they can follow: People
can only do the right thing if they know what the right thing is. If the application
is to be developed in Java, it is essential that there is a Java secure-coding
standard. If the application is to use cryptography, it is essential that there
is a cryptography standard. No policies or standards can cover every situation
that the development team will face. By documenting the common and predictable
issues, there will be fewer decisions that need to be made during the development
process, and security implementation risk will be reduced. Testing Requirements is Essential During definition and design, the testing works heats up in earnest. Security
requirements define how an application works from a security perspective. It
is essential that security requirements be tested. Testing in this case means
testing that the requirements exist in the first place, and testing to see if
there are gaps in the requirement definitions. For example, if there is a security
requirement that states that users must be registered before they can get access
to the white papers section of a Web site, does this mean that the user must
be registered with the system and assigned a role? When looking for requirement
gaps, consider looking at security mechanisms such as:
- User Management (password reset, etc.)
- Authentication
- Authorization
- Session Management
- Transport Security
- Data Protection
- Data Validation
Applications should have a documented design and architecture. By documented
we mean models, textual documents and other similar artifacts. It is essential
to test these artifacts to ensure that the design and architecture enforce the
appropriate level of security as defined in the requirements. Identifying security flaws in the design phase is not only one of the most cost-efficient
places to identify flaws, but also can be one of the most effective places to
make changes. For example, by being able to identify that the design calls for
authorization decisions to be made in multiple places, it may be appropriate
to consider a central authorization component. If the application is performing
data validation at multiple places, it may be appropriate to develop a central
validation framework (fixing data validation in one place, rather than hundreds
of places, is far cheaper). Security design patterns are becoming increasingly
popular and useful at this stage. If weaknesses are discovered, they should
be given to the system architect for alternative approaches. UML models that describe how the application works are very useful for security.
In some cases, these may already be available. Use these models to confirm with
the systems designers an exact understanding of how the application works. If
weaknesses are discovered, they should be given to the system architect for
alternative approaches. There are specialized UML dialects for modeling security
such as SecureUML.4 Armed with design and architecture reviews, and the UML models explaining exactly
how the system works, undertake a threat-modeling exercise. Threat modeling
has become a popular technique of looking at an application from an adversary’s
perspective and understanding what he or she would seek to exploit and what
countermeasures are in place. Develop realistic threat scenarios. Analyze the
design and architecture to ensure that these threats have been mitigated, accepted
by the business or assigned to a third party, such as an insurance firm. When
identified threats have no mitigation strategies, revisit the design and architecture
with the systems architect to modify the design. Theoretically, development is the implementation of a design. However, in the
real world, many design decisions are made during code development. These are
often smaller decisions that were either too detailed to be described in the
design or requirements or, in other cases, issues where no policy or standards
guidance was offered. If the design and architecture was not adequate, the developer
will be faced with many decisions. If there were insufficient policies and standards,
the developer will be faced with even more decisions. A security team should perform a code walkthrough with the developers and, in
some cases, the system architects. A code walkthrough is a high-level walkthrough
of the code where the developers can explain the logic and flow. It lets the
code review team obtain a general understanding of the code, and it lets the
developers explain why certain things were developed the way they were. The
purpose is not to perform a code review, but to understand the flow at a high
level, and the layout and structure of the code that makes up the application.
Armed with a good understanding of how the code is structured and why certain
things were coded in a specific way, the tester now can examine the actual code
for security defects. Having tested the requirements, analyzed the design, developed threat models
and countermeasures and performed code review, it might be assumed that all
issues have been caught. Hopefully, this is the case, but penetration-testing
the application after it has been deployed provides a last check to ensure that
nothing has been missed. The application-penetration test should include the
checking of how the infrastructure was deployed and secured. While the application
may be secure, a small aspect of the configuration could still be at a default
install stage and vulnerable to exploitation. This is where automated black-box
scanners are actually effective, looking for the known holes through poor configuration
management. Remember, if you find a security bug in the application at this
stage it will be expensive to fix and, in some cases, such as user management
systems, it will not be possible without huge design changes. A successful testing program tests people, process and technology, despite several
vendors offering to sell you “silver bullets†that simply don’t
exist in the software security-testing world (nor the protection world, but
that’s saved for a follow-up story). A good testing program engages a security team that is predominantly made up
of the development team itself and not the IS department, who rarely has development
skills or experience. Good teams place a higher emphasis on testing the definition
and design stages of a life cycle with less emphasis on deployment.