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Check my Test Case and comment

Printed From: One Stop Testing
Category: Software Testing @ OneStopTesting
Forum Name: Test Cases @ OneStopTesting
Forum Discription: You must be well versed in writting Good Test Cases as they only will decide whether you can catch most of bugs or not.
Printed Date: 13Mar2025 at 10:35am

Topic: Check my Test Case and comment
Posted By: abhisekdas
Subject: Check my Test Case and comment
Date Posted: 05Nov2007 at 2:47am
Test Case ID Test Case Description Test Case Steps Output
Step Description
Expected Result
Applicant_004 Check display of Applicant Screen 1 Check for the fields in the Applicant Screen. 1.The following fields should be displayed

►Name  [Textbox]
►Address 1  [Textbox]
►Address 2  [Textbox]
►County  [Picklist]
►City  [Textbox]
►State  [Picklist]
►Zip Code  [Textbox]
►Primary Phone  [Textbox]
►Effective Date  [Textbox]
►Expiration Date
Applicant Information        
ApplicantScreen_005 Verify the Name field 1 Check the Name field caption. 1.It should be displayed as Name.
2 Do not enter any value in the Name field.
3 Enter valid credentials into all fields and click the next button. 3.The system should display Name is a required field.
4 Enter a valid name in the Name field and repeat step 3. 4.The Dwelling Screen should be displayed.
ApplicantScreen_006 Verify the Address 1 field 1 Check the Address 1 field caption. 1.It should be displayed as Address 1.
2 Do not enter any value in the Address 1 field.
3 Enter valid credentials into all fields and click the next button. 3.The system should display Address 1 is a required field.
4 Enter a valid address in the Address 1 field and repeat step 3. 4.The Dwelling Screen should be displayed.

Posted By: romal
Date Posted: 28Nov2007 at 11:46am
Hi Abhishek,

I would suggest you to add some boundary value cases to ensure that it works same on the boundary values as well.

Nonetheless, cases are good! Smile


Posted By: krishnajihere
Date Posted: 06Feb2009 at 5:31am
Good, but where are the negative test cases... for example, if i enter *123 in Name field, it should display 'Invalid Name. Please enter a valid name'. Same should be repeated for other fields.

The mandatory fields of the test cases should also be tested for negative flow test cases.


Posted By: nishaa_nair85
Date Posted: 20Feb2009 at 2:48am
Its good.But as he said negative cases are missing..Negative testcases rae equally important wen u frame test case for a module

Posted By: cprasenjit26
Date Posted: 07Jul2009 at 5:53am
I agree with Romal.
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