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.net 2.0 with SilkTest 8.0

Printed From: One Stop Testing
Category: Testing Tools @ OneStopTesting
Forum Name: SilkTest @ OneStopTesting
Forum Discription: SilkTest is an automation tool for testing the functionality of enterprise applications in most versions of Windows, Sun Solaris 9 & 10, and Red Hat Enterprise Linux WS 2.1 & 3.0.
Printed Date: 12Mar2025 at 9:27pm

Topic: .net 2.0 with SilkTest 8.0
Posted By: Anandi
Subject: .net 2.0 with SilkTest 8.0
Date Posted: 26Apr2007 at 10:47pm
I run into the same problem as some of you guys talked about here, silk 8.0 doesn't support new controls created with .net 2.0, and a lot of controls can't be recognized, such as MenuStrip,StatusStrip,DataGridView and SplitterPanel. Any workaround for my case? Or I should just abandon Silk and choose another automation tool?

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