LR For Web Serivces - Problems with UInt32
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Forum Name: LoadRunner @ OneStopTesting
Forum Discription: LoadRunner is a performance and load testing product by HP / Mercury Interactive for examining system behavior and performance, while generating actual load.
Printed Date: 12Mar2025 at 4:35pm
Topic: LR For Web Serivces - Problems with UInt32
Posted By: bond007
Subject: LR For Web Serivces - Problems with UInt32
Date Posted: 30Mar2007 at 11:10pm
1.- 8.1 2.- Web Services Protocol 3.- 4.- 5.- 6.- Feature Pack 4 7.- Subscription 8.- Current 9.- Windows 2000 Pro SP4 10.-
Trying to load test a web serivce using the WSDL provided on the server. (IBM WAS).
The following function keeps failing:
web_service_call( "StepName=GetParty_102", "SOAPMethod=PartyService.PartyPort.GetParty", "ResponseParam=response", "Service=PartyService", "Snapshot=t1174961830.inf", BEGIN_ARGUMENTS, "xml:GetParty1=<GetParty1><control><requestId>1</requestId><requesterName>" "James</requesterName><requesterLanguage>100</requesterLanguage><property>" "<Property><name></name><Value></Value></Property></property><requesterLocale>" "</requesterLocale><requesterRole><string></string></requesterRole></control>" "<partyId>9711174373348222</partyId><partyType><code></code><Value></Value>" "</partyType><inquiryLevel>1</inquiryLevel></GetParty1>", END_ARGUMENTS, BEGIN_RESULT, END_RESULT, LAST);
...because the party id is 16 digits (which shouldn't matter as its a string inside an xml request). LR gives the following:
Action.c(3): Error: InvokeMethod failure: Value was either too large or too small for a UInt32.. Action.c(3): Notify: Saving Parameter "response = " Action.c(3): Error: Web service call "GetParty_102" execution failed
trying to pass it as an unsigned 32 bit int. I've tried everything to
parameterise the xml to get party_id to be passed as a string but
nothing is working. All necessary parameters are correct and included
in the XML.
Please Help!
Posted By: jay@jay
Date Posted: 30Mar2007 at 11:20pm
Hi Bond,
This should actually go in the LoadRunner forum.
My apologies for earlier asking for questions 3 - 5 as the answers are obvious.
Have you filed an SR with HP/Mercury? This certainly looks like a bug.
Max val for u32 is 4,294,967,295. So in this respect it might be a loadrunner bug, however...
Are you doing a web_reg_save_param or lr_xml_get_values?