I use RFT to test a custmized eclipse+CDT IDE, and it actually starts from a .bat file with no issues.
this is what you need to do...
- menu "Configure->Configure application for testing";
- in the "Configure application for testing" dialog click in the "Add" button and set the wizard's fields as follows:
kind of application: Executable or Batch file
Select executable....: <path to your .bat file>
it will create an "Application" entry in the "Configure application for testing" dialog.
- take care that "Working dir" and "Path" both point to the same directory where the .bat is located, that should be the same path where the java application is.
- menu "Configure->Enable Environments for testing";
- in the "Enable Environments for testing" dialog enable the Java Environment that you are going to use to run your application.
if you are testing an Eclipse-based app, go in the "Eclipse Platforms" tab and fill the "Path" in order to make it point to the executable directory (that should be the same of the .bat file) and then click on "Enable".
please note that, for recognizing an eclipse application, RFT will look for a file named "startup.jar" located in that path: since it is not used any more by recent eclipse versions, you may fool it by creating a file (even an empty text file will do) and then renaming it "startup.jar" ;-)
that's all, hope it works for you too!