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Unit Testing - Simplifies integration

Printed From: One Stop Testing
Category: Types Of Software Testing @ OneStopTesting
Forum Name: Unit Testing @ OneStopTesting
Forum Discription: Discuss All that is need to be known about Unit Software Testing and its Tools.
Printed Date: 28Mar2025 at 10:20pm

Topic: Unit Testing - Simplifies integration
Posted By: tanushree
Subject: Unit Testing - Simplifies integration
Date Posted: 12Nov2007 at 11:45pm
Unit Testing - Simplifies integration

Unit testing helps to eliminate uncertainty in the units themselves and can be used in a bottom-up testing style approach. By testing the parts of a program first and then testing the sum of its parts, integration testing becomes much easier. A heavily debated matter exists in assessing the need to perform manual integration testing.

While an elaborate hierarchy of unit tests may seem to have achieved integration testing, this presents a false sense of confidence since integration testing evaluates many other objectives that can only be proven through the human factor. Some argue that given a sufficient variety of test automation systems, integration testing by a human test group is unnecessary. Realistically, the actual need will ultimately depend upon the characteristics of the product being developed and its intended uses. Additionally, the human or manual testing will greatly depend on the availability of resources in the organization.

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