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Test Automation tools

Printed From: One Stop Testing
Category: Software Testing @ OneStopTesting
Forum Name: Bug Report @ OneStopTesting
Forum Discription: After Creating the Test Plan, Writing the Test Cases and using them, Finally We need to generate those Bug Reports which Proves that Testers are Good enough & most importantly Indispensable.
Printed Date: 03Mar2025 at 12:13pm

Topic: Test Automation tools
Posted By: ashu
Subject: Test Automation tools
Date Posted: 03Apr2007 at 1:41am

Test automation Tools allow executing test cases automatically (without or with minimal human intervention). They help to automate tedious, routine operations. Such tools are indispensable in concurrent, stress, load and reliability testing and are a big help in regression testing.

Types of Tools:
    A. UI automation tools (send messages to the program thus emulating user activities with UI controls). The best choice for system testing as it triggers whole patch from the event created by user to the inner logic of application. But be aware of: High buying cost; high script implementation cost; relatively low reliability of scripts (every change in UI may break scripts); painful handling of custom UI controls; they are often fall behind new technologies (IE 7.0 for example).

    B. Scripting languages (Perl, Python, AWK etc.) are great for test data creation or automation of web applications. They are strong in text data processing and are the best choice for log analysis or string data generation.

    C. Programming language (C++, Java and the like) is the best choice for Unit testing. I could not imagine what pain it would be to create a stub or a driver in another language (if a unit is not built on a portable technology). Sometimes it is easier to create system load and stress tests on the existing components in the programming language the same that was used for development.

    D. Databases (SQLServer, Oracle, DB2, MySQL, Access, Excel tables etc.) is what you need for supporting data-driven testing or command-driven testing. This is also helpful to have your tests results and logs saved into RDMS. It helps to find, summarize and report results easy.

    E. WMI (JavaScript or Visual Basic) is the best choice for testing COM-based systems. Instantiating and object in it is easy; scripts are quick and robust. I strongly recommend learning it for testers working with COMs.

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