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Quality Realization

Printed From: One Stop Testing
Category: Software Testing @ OneStopTesting
Forum Name: Beginners @ OneStopTesting
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Printed Date: 10Mar2025 at 10:34am

Topic: Quality Realization
Posted By: tanushree
Subject: Quality Realization
Date Posted: 26Oct2007 at 3:41am
Quality Realization

"Quality is free" - Isn't that a well know quote? Then why don't all organizations have it? The answer lies in the way quality is acquired. Quality is free but not easy. It takes a lot of time and commitment. Though it doesn't take long to setup quality processes, it does take time to reap its benefits. This may even take years. That is why it is very important for the management to stay committed to the quality cause.

A bigger danger lies in becoming complacent. Just as it takes time to achieve quality, it also takes time to deteriorate. If one employee decides to ignore a part of a process, there may not be much of an effect on the overall system productivity - at least not immediately. The flaw is hardly noticed. However, over time this flaw seeps in and affects other parts of the project. Eventually, quality decreases and by the time this is realized, it is just too late. You would then need a couple of years to get back in to shape.

I would think of attaining quality as a broad curve (Where the dip of the curve depicts quality deterioration and vice versa). The point here is that it is gradual. You cannot expect to see a spike. Keeping this in mind helps on the long run.

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