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What does WinRunner consider as a bug?

Printed From: One Stop Testing
Category: Testing Tools @ OneStopTesting
Forum Name: WinRunner @ OneStopTesting
Forum Discription: WinRunner is an automated functional GUI testing tool that allows a user to record and play back UI interactions as test scripts using a proprietary Test Script Language (TSL).
Printed Date: 30Mar2025 at 9:03am

Topic: What does WinRunner consider as a bug?
Posted By: Pooja
Subject: What does WinRunner consider as a bug?
Date Posted: 14Feb2007 at 12:29pm
Can anyone tell me what is a bug for WinRunner? For example if a new control is added in the GUI of an application then is that a bug for WinRunner? or is it just a Context Sensitive error? What is a bug then?

Posted By: Ajay
Date Posted: 14Feb2007 at 12:36pm

NOTHING is a "bug" to WinRunner. WR has no idea what is a bug and what isn't. The WR script tells WR to perform certain steps. It executes those steps and ends, either because it cannot proceed any further or because it is coded to do so. In any event, the meaning of its results are 100% dependent upon the logic of the script and the interpretation of a human being.

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